Part 18

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Arnav had just gotten out of the shower when her heard someone in his room, he knew the only one brave enough to enter without his permission was Khushi so he just smiled. He gently opened the bathroom door as to not draw Khushi's attention as he still needed to put clothes on, but he wanted to see what she was up to.

When he peeked into the room he saw Khushi looking through his drawers, Arnav instantly had a frown on his face. He had bought 6 chocolate the day before for khushi, but he only gave her 3 and kept the remainder knowing that if he gave them all to Khushi she would eat them in one sitting; when he saw her in his drawer he knew that was what she was looking for.

He stood there watching her, she was trying to be sneaky, and for one reason or another he just found her motion to be sexy, he knew khushi had at-least another year before he could even think of getting close to her. While watching khushi he felt his Jr rising, it was getting harder and harder for him to control himself but he knew he had to, but him being naked at that moment wasn't making it any easier for him.

He close the door and went back in the bath to have a cold shower. He decided at that moment to ask Anjalie for help with regards to Khushi. He didn't know how to tell Khushi that she can't be coming in his room whenever like she used to do when she was younger because he was finding it hard to control himself. He was aware that Khushi felt the same way about him now, but he knew khushi was not ready for adult activities.

After 30 mins he came out of the bathroom fully dressed to see a sulking khushi who was upset because she didn't find the chocolates. She even accused him of eating them. Arnav just walked out of the room and Khushi followed still shouting at him. Everyone looked at Arnav to see his response, but he just ignored them like he usually does and went to find food.

When Arnav started eating, khushi grabbed his plate and went to sit at the other side of the table and said " since you refuse to give me chocolate I'll eat your food instead" Arnav looked at her and just shook his head. His Khushi was crazy and there was nothing he could do.

The adults burst out laughing and Kabir whispered to Anand "they aren't even married yet and she's already eating his head, she is so much like her mother." Anand saw Meera looking at them and started laughing harder because he knew his friend was as good as dead. Meera reached over and grabbed his plate and started eating from both hers and his giving him the side eye. Kabir looked at Alia for help but she she gave him a look that said " you are on your own."

Five mins  later Arnav announced that he was going for a meeting with a potential business partner and Khushi asked him to drop her at Anjalie's house because she hadn't seen her in forever; Arnav rolled his eyes because Khushi had seen Anjalie the day before. He told Khushi to grab her stuff and meet him in the car. He walked away smiling because he knew that there would never be dull moment in his life with Khushi as his wife.

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