Part 34

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Khushi walked into her house early in the morning just as her dad was leaving for work. He tried to say good morning to her, but she just walked pass him; he was getting late for a meeting so he decided to talk to her when he got back.

Khushi walked into her parents room and saw her mom was still in bed so she walked to the bed cuddled into her chest. Meera looked at her because it had been a while since Khushi had done that. Meera called her name but Khushi didn't answer and neither did she look at her.

Meera decided to wait until Khushi share what was on her mind, she began running her fingers through Khushi's hair when Khushi said "Mom, why does all my friends always talk about sex saying how good it is and how much they can't wait to have it again?" Meera was not expecting that, and waited for Khushi to continue when she felt a tear drop on her hands.

She raised herself up so she could look at Khushi's face; Khushi burst into tears and said " it hurt like hell and it's been 5 hrs and I'm still bleeding and it even hurts when I walk."

Meera closed her eyes which held so many emotions knowing her baby had enter another stage of womanhood. Meera knew that what khushi was going through was inevitable and it's an experience she couldn't have saved her from and the only thing she could do was comfort her baby, so that's what she did.

Meera took a deep breath, held in her tears and held Khushi closer to comfort her; she kissed Khushi's face and used her thumb to wipe her tears and said "baby I'm sorry it hurt and you are in pain, the pain should subside soon and It's normal to bleed also; it may last for a few more hours or even a day or two."

"Having sex for the first time is different for everyone; some girls feel more pain and bleed more than others and sometimes the second time too. Baby, sex does get better as your body adjusts. I promise it won't always hurt and you'll eventually like it." Khushi just nodded her head in understanding and snuggled closer to Meera then told her not to tell her dad.

After a while Meera said "now, I'm assuming since you are here so early and you slept over at the Raizada's last night Arnav doesn't know you are here, am I right?" Khushi didn't answer so Meera knew she snuck out. "Are you regretting? Continued Meera.

Khushi shook her head and said "No, I'm the one who asked him to continue, we were making out and he was about to stop because things got heated, but I wanted him so I requested we continue. He asked me 3 times if I was sure and he tried his best to be gentle. I lied to him and told him it wasn't hurting. I just snuck out cause I was embarrassed, I'm in pain, and I wanted you."

Meera nodded in understanding and said "Honey it's good you came to me, but Arnav is your partner so you don't need to be embarrassed or hide anything from him, I'm sure he must be looking for you by now. And in the future if you are in pain tell him because he will be hurt if he got to know you were hurting and he contributed to that pain" Khushi nodded in understanding.

Meera laid with Khushi for a while longer then  they heard a knock on the bedroom door. Meera got up to see who it was and found Arnav there. Arnav greeted her good morning and looked away. He knew Khushi must have told her and he didn't know how to face her.

Meera looked at him and said "Arnav you are no different than a son to me so don't feel that I'll hate you or anything, you and Khushi are engaged to be married and I know nothing happened without consent from both parties, so there is nothing to feel guilty about."

Just as she finished, khushi got to the door, jumped in Arnav's arms and wrapped her arms and legs around him and laid her head on his chest. They were lost in each other when Meera scratched her throat bringing them back to earth. Arnav motion to Meera that he was taking her to her room and they left.

When he got to her room he made her sit on her bed and then went to her bathroom to make a  warm bath for her. When the bath was ready he took her hand and led her to the bathroom. He helped her to undress and Khushi tried to cover herself, but Arnav was not having it. He moved her hand and said " your body is beautiful, I'm your lover, and I've already seen all of you, so no hiding." He kissed her forehead and made her sit in the bath.

Khushi sighed in relief and smiled at Arnav. Arnav gave her a smile back, but it didn't reach his eyes. He was angry at himself for not having more control and hurting her. Khushi somehow read his mind and said "Arnav I asked for it, it was my decision, if I wasn't ready like we've done many times before I would have agreed to stop when things got heated."

"Love, this is normal and it would have happened one day or another. It's an unfortunate pain that girls have to experience, but I don't regret one moment of it, and I know it'll only get better from here on out. Now enough about me, how are you feeling? You also lost your virginity."

Arnav smiled at her concern for him and said, "I'm good. I'm better now that I know you are okay." Khushi smiled and motioned with her hand for him to get closer and kissed him. Khushi tried to deepen the kiss, but Arnav stoped her and said "relax we have all the time in the world to make love, you need to heal first." He gave her one more kiss and went to find painkillers for her.

Arnav got back to the room with breakfast and the pills. He set them on the bedside table then went to her drawers to find comfortable clothes and underwear for her. He then took them to the bathroom and sat on the floor beside the tub and waited for her to finish.

When Khushi was done Arnav helped her dry and offered to help her get dress. He noticed khushi was tensed and asked her what was  wrong, she hesitantly told him she was still bleeding and looked down from embarrassment.

Arnav raised her head to look at him and said "I'm your other half, no need to be embarrassed." He went to her cupboard, got a pad and put it in her underwear. His action made Khushi smile, but it didn't stop the red from deepening on her cheeks. Arnav just shook his head and chuckled, he then kissed her forehead and said "my shy baby."

When khushi was done getting dressed Arnav fed her the breakfast and gave her the pain killer. He tucked her in and went to leave, but Khushi grabbed his hand and made him stay.
She snuggled closer to him and they fell asleep.

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