Part 36

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2 years later Arnav had become a well known designer in the fashion industry; He was one of the go to designers for celebrities around the world. Things were going great for him and the family couldn't be more proud of him.

Khushi's was in her last year of Uni and she was getting ready to go to Med school. She had done really well and Arnav knew she would get into any school she applied for.

Things between Arnav and Khushi were great, every weekend they went on a date which Arnav made an adventure for them. They never went to the same place twice.

Khushi had never been away from Arnav for more than a day and he wanted her to experience life on her own though she always said she didn't want to. Arnav wanted to suggest she go to Harvard for med school, but he knew she wouldn't take it well.

Arnav talked to Kabir and he suggested Arnav take Khushi away for the weekend and tell her, so that's what Arnav did. When Arnav and Khushi got to the hotel they checked in, got food, then went for a walk on the beach.

Arnav sat in the sand and pulled Khushi to sit beside him. Khushi giggled at the way Arnav pulled her down and they started to throw sand and shells in the water.

Arnav sensed that Khushi was in a good mood and decided to tell her that he thought she could go to Med school abroad. Khushi started crying instantly and she accused Arnav of trying to get rid of her.

Arnav said everything trying to calm Khushi down but nothing worked. Khushi got up and angrily walked to their room.

Arnav got up to follow her but he sat back down deciding to give Khushi time by herself to calm down. After a while Arnav got up and walked to the room. When he got there he saw Khuhsi laying cross way in the bed still crying. He went and lay beside her and rubbed her back.

Khushi couldn't resist him, so she turned to him and buried  herself in his chest soaking his shirt with tears, but Arnav didn't care he just continued to rub her back.

After Khushi calmed down she looked at him and asked why he insists on her studying abroad. Arnav kept eye contact with her and said " my biggest fear is for you to wake up one day and regret never enjoying your youth and being tied to me." Khushi looked at him like he was crazy because she had already made it clear to him that that would never happen, but she understood him.

Khushi kissed Arnav lips then whispered " make love to me" and Arnav did. The next morning khushi woke up before Arnav and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Khushi blushed when she saw the love marks Arnav had given her. Khushi knew deep down in herself that that Arnav would be the only person she will ever love.

Khushi had a talk with herself and decided that she would study abroad as it would be a good experience for her and it would also ease Arnav's fear.

When Arnav woke up Khuhsi told him her decision and he was beyond happy. Khushi made him promise that if she ever needed him he would hop on a plane and visit her to which he instantly agreed.

They spend the rest of their weekend sight seeing and enjoying each others company. When they got home Arnav shared the news with everyone and they were beyond excited for khushi.

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