Part 21

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Anjalie had met up with Arnav and told him everything Khushi had said which caused a permanent smile on his face.

Anjalie had told him to be careful when it came to intimacy with Khushi and he reassured her by saying he waited all his life, a few more years wouldn't do anything. So with that Anjalie started mocking him with lover boy title.

Arnav didn't care one bit because he was indeed a lover boy and Khushi was his kryptonite.

The following weekend the adults met with Khushi for dinner. They wanted to talk to her about getting engaged to Arnav, but they didn't invite Arnav because they didn't want Khushi to feel pressured to say yes.

When they asked her, Khushi laughed and said
"you know you guys have been taking so long to get us tied together that I was even planning to convince Arnav to let us elope."

Though khushi said it as a joke, the table was silent because they knew she was serious. Kabir's throat became scratchy as he tried to hold back his tears. He knew Khushi would eventually get married to Arnav, but he was hoping to have some more time with her.

When Khushi turned 3, Meera had wanted to have another baby, but Kabir had said they should wait because he wanted Khushi to have his undivided attention and he knew with a newborn he wouldn't have enough time for Khushi. Meera had agreed, but it wasn't until later she got to understand Kabir's decision.

Khushi was a very active child, and she participated in every extracurricular activities there was. Every other day there was some event or another that her parents were invited to attend and Meera thought that if they had had another child they wouldn't have been able to attend all of them and she didn't even want to imagine missing the happiness Khuhsi exudes when they show up for her; Meera saw that same happiness on Khuhsi's face when they brought up the Engagement.

Kabir's only wish when Khuhsi was born was that Khuhsi never felt neglected by them and she always stayed happy. Looking at Khushi in that moment he knew he accomplished always being there for Khushi, but he realized that Khuhsi's happiness no longer lies with them but rather with her Arnav.

Kabir scratched his throat held on to Meera's hand, looked at Alia and Anand and told them to call Arnav to set the engagement date. Khushi looked at them and said she already did and Arnav was on his way.

Meera gave her the look that said "when did you have time to call Arnav" to which Khushi replied " I overheard you talking to dad this morning, so I invited hime to have dinner with us" Meera just sighed and the adults laughed as Khuhsi was always up to some mischief.

When Arnav showed up he brought along an envelope with him, khuhsi recognized it and started pleading to Arnav with her eyes, but he just gave her a smirk and gave it to his mom to open. Khushi blushed bright red.

After Alia read it her mouth was wide open because she couldn't believe what she was seeing and Meera was curious because she had recognized the envelope as one that Khushi had given to Arnav on his last birthday.

In the envelope was a card that read " Happy Birthday old man, when are you planning to marry me? Are you waiting until you are old and grey? You know I am already your wife. Okay, you say I am too young, right? Well I will make you a deal, I start university in a few months so be prepared to get us engaged on xx/xx/xxxx and married on xx/xx/xxxx because I am not waiting until after I graduate Med school to be your wife. Ps. I am not wearing red for the wedding, I am wearing blue. I'll wear red for our honeymoon 😝(Arnav taped over that line so his mom couldnt read it, but khushi didn't know that lol)

And just like that adults received another shock for the night. After a while Kabir burst out laughing and said " like mother, like know Khuhsi your mother was the one to propose me." Everyone at the table started laughing and it was Meera's time to blush.

And so the date for the engagement was set, so now it was time for the adults to start planning. Khushi had made it clear to everyone that though she knew it wouldn't be wise to make their engagement public yet, she wanted all Arnavs friends to be in attendance.

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