Part 25

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6 months had passed and Arnav had finally set up his fashion house. He and Rajeev had searched high and low for some of the best designers from across India. It didn't matter if they had gone to college or not because Arnav had long realized that some of the most talented people aren't often able to pursue further education because of circumstances. Some of his friends advised him to hire people from outside the country, but he refused.

Khushi was excited for Arnav because she had long known that opening a fashion house was his dream. She had helped him pick out the decor and the color scheme; she had also helped him create a website for the company.

Arnav felt very proud that Khushi was his partner because she was with him every step of the way even though she had no interest in fashion. Khushi would often get Arnav magazines so he was in the know of the latest, and she would stay up late at night sometimes to help him with the logistics of getting everything in order. When it came time for the opening ceremony khushi was right there beside him.

Khushi had also graduated and was preparing to start university, she was excited as she was one step closer to accomplishing her dream of being a doctor. Arnav was beyond proud of her. He had helped khushi filed the applications and she had no problem getting in because of her outstanding grades. Khushi had also receive a scholarship, but she gave it to the girl who had the second highest grade because she didn't need it.

Everyone had asked Khushi  if she wanted to live in the hostels so she could experience uni life but she had out right refused. She even got mad at them for suggesting that. She was already tensed about not being around Arnav as much as she used to because she knew he would be busy with work.

A week before uni started Khushi had visited Anjalie so she could see the baby, she was playing with the baby when Anjalie asked her if she was excited for uni. Khushi said yes, but what she said next broke Anjalie's heart. She wanted Anjalie to pretend to not know her when they were at school. Anjalie told her okay, and walked away to hide her tears.

After that day Anjalie would visit both the Mishra's and Raizada's but she would ignore Khushi. Everyone was concerned because the sisters never fought or had a disagreement that lasted more than 30 mins. One night at dinner Anand decide to ask Anjalie what was up and she replied saying Khushi asked her to pretend not to know her so she was just practicing. The table got quiet and then Khushi broke down crying.

Khushi hadn't realize she had hurt her sister's feelings. khushi explained she only said that because she didn't want other students to think she had an unfair advantage because of who her family was.

She wished Anjalie had said something so she could explain. Anjalie herself started crying too because it was hurting her to ignore Khushi, but she was just hurt. She wished she had asked khushi to explain. It would have saved them all this drama. Arnav just rolled his eye at their antics and the adults felt relieved.

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