Part 19

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After dropping Khushi at Anjali's house Arnav drove to meet his potential business partner. For years Arnav knew that when he started his business, he wanted the old man (Rajeev) he volunteered for during the summers to be a part of it. Rajeev sir did not have much money himself, but he never let that deter him from giving back and Arnav admired that about him. 

It was through working with Rajeev that Arnav fell in love with fashion. He would talk a million miles per hour asking all sort of questions, and Rajeev patiently answered every question.

Arnav had learn so much from him throughout the years. One day Rajeev had casually said to Arnav "with your intellect and zest for learning about clothes, cloth, and fashion I think you could have a fashion empire." Though Rajeev said it casually, it was ingrained in Arnav.

Arnav knew Rajeev was older now and he couldn't do much work, but Arnav had always wanted to give back to him and no matter how he tried Rajeev refused to take his money. Arnav was talking to Khushi and she helped him realized that he could give back by hiring him as an advisor for his designers and that way he didn't have to work too much and he could give him money. Arnav thought the idea was perfect.

Arnav met Rajeev at his house and it's wasn't an  unusual meeting for them as Arnav sometimes went to have tea with him. The only difference was today Khushi wasn't with him to eat their ears off.

Arnav started off with the usual tea and telling Rajeev about his week and asking him about his. Arnav also helped Rajeev to work on his garden, another thing he started to love from watching/ talking to Rajeev. When it was just about time to go home Arnav told Rajeev that he wanted him to come work with him in his company. Rajeev instantly denied Arnav's request stating that he was retired now and that Arnav should stop worrying about him, he was content with the money he had.

Arnav just sat and sighed, he told Rajeev that he would be working as a part time advisor in his company, and that he could make his own schedule. He explained to Rajeev that he knew he was content with the money he had, but Rajeev had taken care of people his entire life, so why can't he let someone take care of him.

Rajeev then explained to Arnav that he never helped people with the mindset that he will get help in return and that he only did it from the goodness of his heart. Arnav told him he knew that, but he saw Rajeev as a grandfather to him and he wanted to take care of him. After discussing some more, Rajeev finally agreed and at that moment Arnav got his first business partner.

On the other side of town after much pestering from Khushi. Anjalie and Khushi went shopping for baby clothes and room decor. Anjalie tried telling Khushi that she had everything she needed for the baby, but Khushi wouldn't listen. Anjalie agreed as she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk to Khushi.

Khushi picked up any and everything for the baby, Anjalie was holding a zillion bags and Khushi felt like they still needed more. In order to get Khushi to calm down with the shopping, Anjalie stated that she needed to eat now for the baby so they found a restaurant, Khushi suggested they take the food and go to the park to eat. Anjalie saw it as the perfect opportunity to talk to khushi so she agreed.

While they were eating Anjalie asked Khushi how were things with her and Arnav. At first Khushi looked at her weird because everything was fine between them, but when she saw the look Anjalie was giving her she knew Anjalie was asking about the growing feelings between her and Arnav.

Khushi sighed, there was no point denying anything to her sister because it scared her sometimes how much Anjalie knew her. She told Anjalie that she was falling for Arnav more, but Arnav never seems to be interested in her romantically, she told her about how all her friends behave with their significant other, but with Arnav everything was different.

Khushi voiced her frustration about Arnav not making a move on her and that everyone knows they like each other and will get married so she doesn't see the reason for Arnav to keep his distance.

Anjalie looked at her speechless because she didn't know Khushi was thinking so deeply about    her and Arnav, and she also realized that her baby sister wasn't such a baby anymore.

When Anjalie didn't reply Khushi continued " I know Arnav is finding ways to keep me from sleeping in his room like I used to, I know he stares at me with adoration and sometimes lust when he thinks I'm not looking, I know he wants to be able to hold me in his arms, I know he wants to kiss me, yet he his waiting for my 18th birthday."

"Di, Arnav isn't the only one waiting for my birthday, I am too. I've had feelings for Arnav ever since I can remember, and they only get stronger every day. I may not be 18 yet but I know how I feel for Arnav and I know for a fact that feeling will only get stronger. You, Arnav and the Parents see me as this baby, and cheeky fun Khushi and I'm not denying I am, but I'm also growing up."

I want to be able to profess my love freely for Arnav without fear. I want to be able to go into his room whenever I want to, I want to be able to kiss him, cuddle him and eventually make love to him, and before you say anything Di I'm not being pressured by my peers or anything. That is just how I genuinely feel."

Khushi continued saying "you left your phone unlocked, I saw his message asking you to talk to me. Tell him I get where he's coming from, he's much older than I am and I know he wants me to experience the life of a normal teen and not be tied to a relationship, but I can't change the way I feel. Ask him to meet me halfway, Atleast start taking me out on dates."

At that moment Anjalie didn't say anything, Khushi had render her speechless.

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