Part 7

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The day before Khushi's first birthday everyone was busy trying to make sure everything was ready for her party. Anjalie and Arnav had just come from shopping for birthday gifts with Anand when Khushi squealed and started speed crawling to them. Right away the kids face lit up and Arnav got down on his knees and started crawling to her, he had learned a while back that khushi did not like him coming to pick her up whenever she is crawling because she always scratched him. One of Khushi's favorite thing to do is crawl under the table and around the couches with either Anjalie or Arnav crawling behind her. On one such occasion while crawling under the table khushi had bumped her head which caused it to bruise. Arnav had cried for hours because his princess was hurt and he blamed himself even though the adults tried to tell him that all babies get hurt and it was an accident, but he didn't care. He had stopped crawling behind khushi, but soon started again when khushi would crawl to him and then crawl to the table and whenever she didn't see him behind her she would sit and cry. Anjalie didn't like crawling around as much so she usually sit with khushi and sing nursery rhymes, read to her or sometimes watch tv.
Khushi's birthday was princess themed. She was dressed in a blue princess dress with lots of butterflies on it and of-course Arnav had to have matching outfit, so he had a blue suit with butterfly prints; he tried to get khushi to choose a plain red dress, but she kept going to the one with the butterfly's on them. Anjalie went with a Snow White dress as she was fascinated by the dwarfs. Anand was dressed as Prince Charming and Alia was dressed as Cinderella, Meera was dressed as Jasmine and Kabir was dressed as Aladdin. Khushi loved watching cartoons and Aladdin was her favorite character, she always laughed and clapped whenever she saw him on the carpet. Her father had gotten her a wagon with a carpet in it and he often pulled her around the yard, so of course he had to dress as his daughter's favorite character. The party was a grand one, it was filled with countless lawyers and business men and women all dressed as some type of princess or prince, most of the kids dressed to match their families while some like Anjalie had solo costumes. When it came time to cut the cake Kabir and Meera were the ones to help Khushi, much to Arnav's disappointment. His mom had promised that the next birthday he could help her, but since it's Khushi's first birthday her parents should be the one to help her. Khushi had gotten countless of gifts, some which she wasn't even able to use until she was much older. Her parents had gotten her a new Wardrobe of clothes and shoes, a big girl bed as she had started trying to escape from her cot and jewelry. Alia and Anand opened a bank account for her like they had done for Arnav and Anjalie, and also gave her some jewelry. Anjalie got her lots of cartoons and books. Arnav got her lots of dresses which were mostly red and a customized teddy bear that was bigger than her.
When all the guest left the family watched videos of Khushi from throughout the year and after that everyone went to bed contended.
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