Part 8

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When khushi was 2.5 years old her parents had decided that it was time for her to start nursery school. It was an easy decision because Meera wanted to start working more and they thought it would be good for khushi to interact more with kids her age. Khushi was excited, she kept walking around the house saying "school, I go school."
khushi had started talking a couple months after she turned 1 and of course her first word was ah-Nav; everyday after school Arnav use to sit with khushi and tell her to say Arnav, the adults use to laugh at him because he was adamant on her first word being his name, and everyone for sure thought it would be mama. Khushi would look at him with concentration, but then she would burst into giggles. One day when it was time for Arnav to go home he sat khushi down in her play area but she instantly started crying and crawled behind him. Meera saw her and went to pick up, but got the surprise of her life when khushi shouted ah-Nav, everyone looked at her to make sure they heard her right, they got confirmation when she shouted it again and again. Arnav was so happy he went over to her and took her in his arms; he looked up at his parents with pleading eyes and asked if he could stay the night to which they agreed. Meera also missed her best friend and asked her to sleep over so the plan of going home was scrapped and the Raizada's spent the night.
The weekend before school Meera and Alia took the kids to the store to get school supplies for Khushi, when they were about done shopping  Khushi spotted a lion king lunch bag, Meera had to put back everything she picked up because khushi insisted on getting everything lion king.
Khushi's first day of school turned into a field trip, the kids didn't want to miss it and Meera needed the support of her best friend thus the entire family took Khushi to school. When khushi got to her class she right away lit up at the colorful walls before running over to trace the butterflies on it. Khushi didn't even say by to anyone. As soon as they got home Meera ran to her room and started crying, she expected her baby to cry at having to be away from her, turns out she was the one who didn't want to be away from her baby. Kabir tried everything to comfort her, but nothing worked. Kabir's  only option was to call Alia to the room. As soon as Alia got to the room she shouted " crybaby! your baby will be home in 4 hours, if my Meera saw this Meera she would be crying laughing at your silliness. I think I left my Meera at school, I'll go see if I find her" at that Meera started laughing. She hugged Alia and rubbed her nose snot into her clothes. Alia slapped her shoulder and shouted, "when are you going to grow out of this naughtiness of yours" to which Meera replied " how else are you going to know I'm your Meera" Alia just shook her head and roll her eyes which caused Meera to laugh more. When khushi got home she could not stop talking about all the fun stuff she did and her new friends. Arnav was jealous, but that all ended when khushi said "ah-Nav I missed you, you come school tomorrow?" Arnav just smiled and kissed her forehead and said " no baby I can't come to school with you, but I will spend all my time with you after school. The adults all smiled. The kids played while the adults cooked dinner. When the food was ready they ate, showered, watched movies and went to bed.

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