Part 29

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The parents had return from their holiday so kushi wanted everyone to spend a day together. She was tasked with planning a family day for them and Anjalie's in-laws. Everyone had different preferences, so khushi did not know what to do.

Khushi didn't want to plan a movie night because she felt that they did that all the time. She decided they would go to Goa and make it a family weekend. Everyone agreed and the twins were excited as they had never been.

They were making arrangements and when it came to booking the rooms Khuhsi looked at Arnav. She wanted to stay with him, but she didn't know what the parents would think.

Though Arnav wanted to stay with her he didn't think the parents would agree, so he gave her a look that said no. Khushi got upset and got up and left. The parents saw the interaction between them but decided not to say anything.
If they had asked they wouldn't refuse them even though it wouldn't be what they preferred.

Arnav got up to find her and after 20mins they both went back to the living room. Khushi was smiling and the adults wondered why, but they didn't say any thing to them. Arnav had told khushi not to worry and he would sneak into her room.

When they got to Goa Khuhsi and the twins couldn't wait to go into the water. They had woken up early to get there so Arnav told khushi to rest for a little but Khuhsi didn't want to rest and was given him attitude. He stood firm in his decision and walked her to her room. Khushi was mumbling saying that Arnav was still treating her like a kid even though she had talked to him.

At that, Arnav just rolled his eyes and told her even when she is 70 he will still have her take naps because she gets grumpy when she is tired and he will not let her go to the beach before a nap because she will want to leave saying she is tired and maybe even fall asleep.

The adults just looked at them because khushi is very stubborn and only Arnav can handle her as he does not like when anyone scolds her. The others also went to take a nap as they too were tired.

A few hours later Khushi  woke up got change and walked to Arnav's door and banged it for him to wake up and take her to the beach. Arnav jumped from his sleep and right away he knew it was Khushi. When Arnav saw the clock he knew there was no way he could convince Khushi to let him sleep some more so he too got changed called everyone and went to the water.

The twins and Khushi had the time of their lives in the water while Aman tried to get Aditya to go in. He was screaming and refused so Khushi went over to him and started telling him about the water; the smooth sand, the cool water and the fishes in it. Aditya was looking at her and listening to her every word and without him realizing, Khushi had taken him into the water.

Arnav was looking at her with so much love and no doubt imagining her with his kids. Arnav didn't realize it, but Kabir was watching him watch Khushi and he knew what Arnav was thinking. Soon after Aman and Anjalie went in the water and started playing with Aditya.

khushi went over and grabbed her father to go in the water with her. Kabir was happy and immediately joined her because he for sure thought Khushi was going towards Arnav when he saw her coming over. Arnav again started imagining his daughter coming to get him.

Khushi had so much fun and Arnav couldn't stop smiling at her. He sent a silent thank you that his wish came true. The family spent the next few hours swimming and playing in the water. The night was spent with family eating dinner and watching the sunset.

Everyone was tired so they went to their rooms. Arnav waited for an 1hr before going to Khushi's room. He didn't even knock on the door he walked straight in. He saw Khushi reading one of her text book and he knew she was waiting for him.

He walked up to her, hovered over her and kissed her on her neck. Khushi moaned and right away she closed her book and they started making out. Khushi reached for his shorts and Arnav obliged and helped her take it off. He also helped her to strip to her underwear. They were kissing when Arnav looked into Khushi's eyes and reached for her underwear, khushi nodded her head and he took them off.

Arnav reached down and started rubbing her vagina, khushi got excited and she bit his shoulders to keep the sound down. Arnav smiled at her and she did the same. They continued kissing and Arnav moved his lips from her mouth to her shoulders, to her breast then her navel and finally he kissed her vagina and started gently licking it.

It didn't take long for khushi to become undone and orgasm in his mouth. He then got up and kissed her lips letting her taste herself. Khushi wanted to return the favor, but Arnav kissed her forehead, told her to sleep then went to the bathroom and took care of himself. When he was done he came out with a wet towel and wiped her off, khushi felt the wet towel but kept her eyes closed knowing it was Arnav. When he was done he kissed her lips tucked her in properly and left.

As soon as Arnav walked out of her room he saw his mother in the hallway. He looked down feeling guilty. He expected his mother to yell at him, but instead his mother put her hand on his shoulder and told him to never hurt khushi and to always take care of her. Arnav nodded his head and hugged her. They both then left to their rooms.

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