Part 40

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The morning had come where the family was leaving to India and Khushi would officially be on her own.

The family had breakfast together which lasted longer than it usually did as everyone was in a somber mood and the sooner breakfast was over the closer they got to leaving.

Khushi walked them to the cars and the ladies went in while the men finished loading the car. Alia and Meera had already started to cry and Kabir didn't want Khushi to see them. It was decided that Khushi wouldn't follow them to the airport as that would only make it harder for them to leave.

Arnav lingered by the car eventhough they were done loading so Kabir and Anand joined the ladies as they knew Arnav wanted to say a last good bye.

Arnav looked at Khushi who stood beside him, sadness evident in her eyes and he had to hold his breath not to start crying. He pulled her close to him and rubbed her cheek then said " we are leaving now, but I promise we will be back. I will call everyday, multiple times if need be and if you need me call me and I will be here."

"I want you to use this time to get to know yourself, explore, be free, experience all the world has to offer not worrying about any of us, have fun, but most importantly take care of yourself; I don't want to hear you are not taking care of yourself the way I would"

The last sentence cause Khushi to smile a little. She leaned in for a kiss and lingered by his chest taking in his scent. Arnav in turn kissed her forehead, rubbed her back then walked her to house door. He kissed her lips; whispered an I love you. He then told her to go take rest since they got up early and that he would call her when they landed.

Without waiting for a response, he closed the door and walked away, he couldn't bear to be there when the tears he knew was inevitable start falling from her eyes.

With one final glance at the house, The car hummed to life, and they set off to the airport.
As they drove, Arnav couldn't help but reminisce about the years that he had spent with Khuhsi  He remembered Khushi's first steps, her infectious laughter, and the countless bedtime stories they had shared.

He would miss having being with Khushi everyday, but he knew that being apart will only strengthen their bond.

Back at the house, Khushi rushed to the window and as the car drove off she fell to the floor and started crying. She wanted to go home with them, but she knew she had to stay in order to achieve her dreams of being one of the best doctors.

Khushi stayed on the floor crying for about 30 mins before going to her room. She turned on the tv to distract her, but she soon fell a sleep.
A few hrs later she woke up, she checked her phone but didn't see any message or missed call from Arnav which made her a little sad.

She hear her stomach grumbled, so knowing she  needed food she went to the bathroom and got fresh. She then went down stairs and saw food already prepared by the chef for her. She sat in the chair that Arnav sat and the tears started again. It was the first time since she was born that she would be eating by herself.

After a while she calmed down knowing that the only reason she wasn't on the phone talking to her family was because they are on the plane.

After Khushi finished eating she went back to her room to organize what she would need for her first day of school. That distracted her and she got excited looking forward for her classes and meeting new people.

Meanwhile Arnav was on the plane counting down the hours so he can call Khushi. The family weren't doing much talking as they were still sad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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