Part 5

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Arnav was the first to look towards the delivery room door, he was happy she was here safe. He wanted to go to the room right away but his mom stopped him. About 15 minutes a nurse came to get Kabir, Arnav again got up to go with him but was denied.

About an hour later Meera and the baby were shifted to another room, and everyone went in to see them. Anjalie screamed yes! I have a little sister, and right away she went over to her, she started talking about all the things they were going to do, from playing with dolls to teaming up against Arnav. At that Arnav just made an angry face.

Alia right away took the baby in her arms, she had been longing for Meera to have a baby; she smiled at the baby and began to whisper sweet words into her ear. Kabir was elated, the smile had not left his face and the adults were happy for him because they know he would be an amazing dad to his baby as he already treated Anjalie and Arnav as his own.

Alia looked at her son and realized he still stood by the door, she frowned because he was the one who couldn't wait to see the baby. "Beta, why are you not coming in? Is everything okay?" At that he slowly stated to walk towards the baby. When he got to where his mother was holding her, he just stared at her for a while before reaching up to pat her blanket.

"Khush?" his mother asked. Khushi! He said with a broad smile and touch the baby's head. Everyone one looked at him and just like that, Khushi got her name.

Meera was required to stay in the hospital for 24 hours, which made her sad, but she knew it was a policy she had to follow. When Kabir asked her what she wanted to eat she said sweets, to which Kabir frown; nonetheless, he got it for her along with some dal, rice and milk.

Kabir and Alia stayed with Meera while Anand took the kids home to get some rest much to Arnav's aversion. Meera was tired too, but refused to sleep in case her baby needed her.
After an hour of Kabir and Alia trying to convince her, she fell asleep.

Kabir and Alia took turns holding Khushi, who was quiet as a mouse and just wiggled from time to time. And just like that Khushi's first day was complete.

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