Part 38

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The family had flew in to Massachusetts and Khushi was excited much to everyones surprise, she was in awe of everything she was seeing while they drove to the house they had bought for her to stay in while she went to school and did her residency.

Kabir had told Khushi about it soon after Arnav told them about the ticket, but what Khushi didn't know was that Arnav was the one who bought it. Khushi wanted Arnav to save his money and not spend it on her, but he refused. She never accepted anything from him that she deemed expensive and as such, he asked Kabir to lie for him.

Arnav had started turning max profit and his company was growing by the hour. The first million he made came as a shock to him because he wasn't expecting the company to do that well so soon, but he reinvested the profit which turn out to be the best Idea. Khushi knew his company was doing well, but she didn't know the magnitude of it.

Khushi wanted to board in dorms, but Arnav was not a fan of that Idea, he wanted Khushi to be in a place where she could have her own space and also so that he and the parents can show up without notice if they wanted to.

When they got to the house khushi was shocked at how big it was. She was the first to leave the car and to explore the house. At first Kabir was worried that it was too big for Khushi to stay alone, but Arnav assured him he would have security and a live in help for her.

Seeing the excitement on Khushi's face assured Arnav that he made the right decision to send her abroad for study. They were tired from the flight, so after looking around the house and listening to Khushi's blabber they ordered dinner, ate, then went to their rooms.

Khushi went to the same room as Arnav and Kabir was about to object, but Meera gave him a look to not say anything and he reluctantly let them be.

When they got to the room Arnav pulled her into a hug and kissed her hair. Khushi wrapped her arms around him and told him the house looked beautiful. She also thanked him, to which he looked at her. She gave him a kiss and said " I knew you were the one who bought me the house; I overheard you and dad talking. I still think you spent too much, but I trust you wouldn't spend more than you can afford to."

Arnav smiled at her then pulled her on top of him on the bed then said " how about we bless your new house." Khushi responded by kissing him and he took the hint when she deepened the kiss. He reached for a condom, but Khushi grabbed his hand to stop him then said " I want you to take me raw and rough, I want to feel all of you." And as always Arnav obliged.

The next morning Arnav woke up to Khushi's leg over him and her hand on his face. He smiled to himself embracing the wonderful feeling of waking up next to her. He knew her current position was one that was seeking comfort and to make sure he didn't leave during the night.

After a while Arnav tried to slip away to get ready for the day, but Khushi woke up he smiled at her and gave her a kiss before getting up and heading to the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth when he looked to the room and saw Khushi struggling to walk to the bathroom. Right away he knew he was too rough with her.

He had taken her multiple times the night before as per Khushi's request, but now he was seeing the after effects. Khushi made it to the bathroom, but she refused to look at him.

He made her a warm bath and left the bathroom. He had also seen the bite marks on her shoulder and back and felt even guiltier, he was also angry at himself because he should have known better not to give into Khushi again. khushi had also given him marks, but still he felt hers must have hurt her more.

He got dressed and took clothes out for her. When she came out of the bathroom he helped her dressed and tried to apologize, but Khushi was not having it as she was the one who wanted it and she thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. She kissed him and told him she would be fine by the end of the day. She was having intense cramps still, but she didn't let him know that.

They walked down the stairs and Alia and Meera drinking coffee. Alia saw them first and said good morning drawing Meera's attention to them. Meera then gave Alia a look that Khushi found suspicious and she started to panic thinking they may have heard them. Arnav felt her panic and knowing exactly why, he whispered " relax our room is sound proof, they didn't hear us.

Khushi calmed down and when they got to the couch Arnav helped her sit and went to the kitchen to get them coffee. When Arnav was out of hear shot Khushi asked her mom and aunt if either of them packed any painkiller. Meera nodded and went to her room to get some.

When she got back Khushi mouthed not yet to her mom  and sent Arnav to Kitchen to add more milk to her coffee. When he left Khushi quickly took the pill from her mom and swallowed them. Meera and Alia clearly knew why she took them by the way  she was walking, while it  may not be noticeable to all, they knew it based on their own experience. Neither of them said anything though as they didn't want to embarrass her.

Arnav had seen everything as he knew he made Khushi's coffee just the way she liked it, so he knew she was lying about needing more milk, so he stood around the corner where she couldn't see him wanting to know why she sent him away. He made a vow to himself that going forward they would only have vanilla sex and nothing khushi say or do will convince him otherwise.

Half hour later Anand joined them and Kabir joined 10 min after. The house help made them breakfast and Kabir suggested they go sight seeing after breakfast, but Arnav told him he was still tired and wanted to have one more day of rest.

Khushi gave him a look because she knew he was lying, but he just smiled at her though it didn't reach his eyes and rubbed her leg under the table. Meera saw the look they gave each other so she also said she was tired knowing that Arnav lied because of khushi to help convince Kabir for another day at home.

They spent the day helping Khushi unpack and decorating the house based on her liking.

❤️ for those who comment, vote, add and share my story
Thank you all for reading

Happy Holidays

I will be editing the first few chapters

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