Part 14

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Aman introduced Arnav and khushi to his siblings, turns out khushi was their classmate and everyone jelled well together so that was a plus. Aman along with his siblings became a part of the of the weekly outing, Khushi saw Aman as a big brother and always complained to him about any and everything. She also started demanding he bring chocolate for her whenever he visited.

When Aman and Anjalie first year fairing anniversary was coming up Aman wanted to take Anjalie on a trip for a weekend but he wasn't sure how her parents would react. He thought about telling Anjalie and have her talk to her parents, but he knew that wasn't right. Then he thought of the perfect idea which was to invite his and her parents along with Anjalie to dinner and ask their permission. At dinner everyone could tell that Aman was nervous and Anjalie herself didn't know the reason why, about half way through their time there Anand told him to spill what was on his mind. Without second thought he went a head and asked their permission. The parents were all shocked then burst out laughing. Anand was the first to speak "when are you two planning to get married, you are basically living a married life and if you two had been married, you wouldn't have to be ask permission to take her anywhere with you. I don't even want to know how much bucket of sweat you lost trying to get the courage to ask us permission." At that,  all the Adults started laughing again. Aman was relieved and Anjalie was just happy she got to go for a vacation with her boyfriend. At the end of dinner Aman again asked just to confirm he was given permission.

Later that night Anjalie told her parents that she would be sleeping over at Meera's house. When she got there she walked in wish everyone goodnight and went straight to her room. When the movie was over the Mishra's dispersed to their room. Khushi went to her room and when she saw Anjalie was not there she knew her sister didn't want to be disturbed so she went to bed.

Meera got ready for bed then went to check on Anjalie, and she was right with her guess that Anjalie wanted to talk by the way she just went straight to her room, she didn't check on her right away because she wanted to give her time to get her thoughts together. As soon as she walked in Anjalie turn towards the door and made space on the bed for her. When she layed down Anjalie started talking "Aman is taking me for a long weekend just us, he asked his parents and mom & dad permission to take me and they said yes," Meera waited for her to say something else and when she didn't she asked " isn't that a good thing, don't you want to go with Aman?" To which Anjalie replied "of course I'm happy to go, but I don't know I guess I just didn't think they would agree for him to take me, especially to spend nights there you know." Meera right away knew what was going on so she said " are you by any chance feeling guilty that they trust you so much to not do anything wrong while you spend the night with a guy? Are you feeling guilty that you and Aman are having sex?" Anjalie looked at her shocked, how could her aunt have known she hadn't said anything to anyone not even her mother. " honey calm down you have nothing to worry about and believe me when I say this, your parents already know. Anjalie you are not a child anymore, in fact you aren't even a teenager either, we know that you guys have hormones and sometimes things happen. It's modern time now not everyone is willing to wait. All we care about is you being safe, we trust you to make the right decisions for you. To answer your question as to how we know, well mainly your mom and I, your mom got an email confirming the date and time of your appointment with your Gynecologist and she knew she hadn't scheduled an appointment for you. You forgot to turn off the send reminder when you set the appointment. We didn't know then, but a week later I walked into your room looking for you and saw your pills laying of your dresser again you forgot to hide them, but what gave it away was 5 months ago when you came to have dinner with Alia and I.  You looked flustered, you had hickeys on your neck which you tried to hide with you hair, your outfit was different from what you wore out, you refused to look either of us in the eyes, you asked for tablets stating you had a stomach ache and that night you asked if Alia could stay with you. Didn't you noticed we cut the dinner short and when you got home your mom made a hot bath for you? You rarely ever take painkillers and the only time you do is when you have really bad cramps. We both knew you weren't due for your cycle." Anjalie was floored by the admission, she couldn't wait to go hug her mom, she remembered that night her mom stayed with her like she used to when she was younger and she didn't give her any hint that she knew or made her feel bad about it. She realized she was really lucky to have Alia as  her mom. Man did she love the parents. She turned to her aunt and cuddled into her. Meera kissed her forehead and asked "do you feel better now?" Anjalie just nodded. Meera kissed her head again and left.

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