Part 31

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It was the weekend after Khushi's exam and she was having breakfast with her parents. She had woken up feeling tired and weak, but she still went to breakfast hoping she would feel better. Kabir served them the breakfast and three mouthfuls in khushi gaged, held her stomach and ran to the bathroom to throw up.

Meera sat frozen in her seat and Kabir ran behind khushi to make sure she was okay. Meera had seen khushi throw up the day before and khushi told her she felt nauseous and her stomach and head hurt. Meera stayed with her till she brushed her teeth and gave her some pain killers and tucked her in.

Seeing khushi throw up that morning again sent chills through Meera as Alia had told her she caught Arnav coming out of her room when they were in Goa so she knew Arnav and khushi were engaging in intimacy, but she didn't know to what extent or how often. So Khushi throwing up again made her mind run a million miles per hour.

She got up and went into the bathroom where Khushi and Kabir were. Khushi was still throwing up and Kabir gave her a worried look. Kabir said he would call the doctor but khushi told him she was fine. Kabir reluctantly agreed not to call, but made it clear to her that if it happened again he would definitely call the doctor.

Kabir took khushi to her bedroom and Meera helped her changed back to her PJs and tucked her in. Meera turned the lights off and made her way towards the door to leave, but she suddenly went back and sat on the bed beside khushi and asked the question that was driving her crazy " are you pregnant?"

Khushi closed her eyes and sighed. She layed on her moms lap and said " no, I'm still a virgin." Meera released the breath that she was holding and hugged khushi. She rubbed her back and told her sorry for assuming. Khushi told her it was okay and she understood why Meera would ask. Meera was upset at herself for jumping to conclusion, but ever since Alia told her she couldn't stop worrying. She trusted Khushi and Arnav to be safe, but accidents happen and she wanted Khushi to atleast finish Uni before getting pregnant.

Meera went back to the dining table and saw Kabir siting rubbing his forehead, she went and rubbed his shoulder and told him that khushi will be okay. He told her he still wanted to get confirmation from a doctor, but Meera gave him a look that said " you told Khushi you wouldn't so you better not."

Khushi stayed in her room during lunch stating she felt too weak to get up and she wasn't hungry. At that Kabir decided that whether or not khushi agreed he was taking her to the doctor. He called Meera to help her get dress. When Meera walked to the closet to get clothes for khushi, khushi broke down crying because she didn't want to go.

Meera messaged Arnav and told him that Khushi was sick and they were taking her to the doctors hoping he would help calm khushi. She then helped khushi get dressed and by the time khushi was ready Arnav was already there. Like Kabir, Arnav was also panicking. Khushi had messaged him earlier stating she was tired so she would meet him later; Arnav didn't think much of it because khushi liked to sleep in sometimes.

As soon as Khushi saw Arnav she walked to him, layed her head on his chest, and complained she didn't want to go to the doctor. Arnav kissed her head and told her she had to go so she can feel better. She wiped her nose in his clothes and Arnav smiled being reminded of his baby khushi.

Arnav picked her up and took her to the car, Kabir drove them to the doctors and it didn't take long for them to be seen by the doctor. Khushi wouldn't let go of Arnav so he went in with her. After hearing her symptoms and running test it was concluded that khushi had a stomach virus. Arnav was about to ask her if she had food from outside when the doctor said it was a virus that was going around.

The doctor gave Khushi some medicines and told her to come back if she didn't feel better. Everyone was relieved that it wasn't anything serious and that Khushi would be okay. Kabir drove them home and Khushi requested Arnav stay with her. Meera made something light for her to eat so she could take her medicine.

When she was done eating Arnav took her to her room. Khushi made Arnav take off his shirt and layed her entire body on him. Arnav reached for a blanket and threw it over them knowing that sick khushi was a clingy khushi and he would not be moving till Khushi woke up. He kissed her forehead and they both fell asleep.

The next morning khushi woke up to the sound of Arnav throwing up and right away she knew she gave him the virus. She walked down stairs to get something for him to eat so he could take some medicine and realize her parents were missing. When she checked she saw they too were sick. Alia and Anand came to check on them, and you guessed it they too also got sick from looking after them. The family spent the following days recovering.

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