Part 27

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It had been 3 months since Khushi started school, she had fit in well made some friends. She had Anjalie for her biology class and like promised Anjalie made sure no one knew they were related.

Khushi had gotten used the fact that she wasn't seeing Arnav as she would like. Arnav always made sure to be home in time for dinner so they could eat together; and he only work half days on Saturdays so he could take her out and Sundays were family days.

Arnav business was doing well and his fashion house was becoming popular, owing to his talented employees and the company's website. People from all over was shopping at his company. His employees loved working for him because of the benefits he provided and the employees had become somewhat family.

Arnav had seen some of the employees coming to work late and when he asked they told him they had a hard time getting buses in the morning, so he asked his father and uncle to help him buy some buses to take the workers to and from work and they did. The employees wanted to pay, but he refused saying it's the least he could do because them not having to wake up early or get home late because of bus issues only ads productivity to his company.

Around that time the parents also went for vacation. It was the first time Kabir and Meera went somewhere for more than a day without taking Khushi. Meera was worried and didn't want to go. Kabir and Alia had a hard time convincing her, so they asked khushi to try.

Khushi gave her the I'm a big girl speech and she know if she need them to come home they would do it so she will be fine. She successfully convinced her but Meera called Anjalie and asked her to stay with khushi. Everyone laughed at Meera saying how over protective she was, but she didn't care. She was leaving the country so she wanted to make sure her baby was safe. After checking with Aman if it was okay Anjalie agreed, so the parents packed and left.

Anjalie came home early after work one day and she walked around the house looking for Khushi. She called her name but got no response. She got worried because Khushi had left earlier that day with the driver. She went to Khushi's room and she didn't find her. She called her phone and didn't get any answer.

She went back down stairs to ask the driver, but then she saw Arnav's key on the counter. She frowned because Arnav should have been at work that time. She walked to Arnav's room and when she opened the door she didn't know what to think.

Khushi was in her bra and underwear and Arnav was in his underpants and they were cuddled up sleeping. She hurriedly closed the door, walked to her room and went to the bathroom and washed her face. She didn't want to jump to conclusions, but what she saw wasn't helping.

She couldn't help but wonder if they were having sex. She knew Arnav wasn't getting any younger and all his friends were already married, and Arnav had waited a long time for Khushi, they were engage, khushi was in Uni, khushi never shied away from making her feelings known....

There was just too much running through her mind at the moment. She decided she would leave and come back her regular time as she didn't want to embarrass them. She went to her in-laws house to spend sometime with her son as they had insisted on him spending the day and night with them. They had even snuck him out of day care which Anjalie found cute.

After spending two hours there, Anjalie went back to the Mishra's and saw Khushi sitting on the couch looking all nervous and fidgeting with her fingers. Anjalie said hi to her, but she didn't look up. Anjalie wondered what happen because she hadn't said anything to them. She asked and got no reply, she knew khuhsi would say when she was ready.

Anjalie went to the kitchen and started making dinner when khushi walked in. Khushi sat at the counter and then said "nothing happened, we didn't have sex, we were just making out, I promise. I woke up to use the bathroom and saw your ID by the room door. Arnav doesn't know you saw us. Please don't be mad at him or say anything to mom and dad. I made him come over, I swear nothing happened we always just make out and stop. He never cross his limits." "He says I'm not ready." When she said that she looked down.

Anjalie wanted to beat her self for dropping her ID. It must have fell off when she was rushing to close the door. She knew all too well what Khushi was experiencing. She was never caught red handed, but she knows the guilt. She walked to Khushi and pulled her into a hug and said "calm down it's okay. I get it, I've been there done that, I promise I won't say anything to anyone especially not to your parents. I trust you to do what's best for you."

At that Khushi started crying and hugged Anjalie tighter. Anjalie rubbed her back and she calmed down. After a while Anjalie want back to cooking and Khushi sat watching her. Khushi was deep in thoughts when she said " Di can you help me make an appointment with our gynecologist, I want to go on the pill." Anjalie stopped what she was doing and turn to look at Khushi and Khushi quickly blurted out, "we're not having sex, it's just incase" her faced turned bright red and Anjalie had to fight to keep from laughing.

Anjalie agreed and khushi also asked her to go with her for the appointment as she was scared. Anjalie wanted to tell her if she was scared to go to the doctor for the pills she wasn't ready to have sex, but she didn't. Instead she said, " make sure you don't forget to turn off the appointment reminder or hide your pills in your drawer" khushi looked at her puzzled Anjalie told her the story.

Later that night Arnav came home his usual time at dinner and khushi looked at Anjalie nervous. Anjalie wanted to tease her, but thought better of it and like promise, she pretended she knew nothing.

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