Part 12

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One weekend Arnav and Anjalie went to get khushi from her house so they could go out for one of their weekly outings. Khushi chose to go to the movies and Arnav and Anjalie agreed, half way to the movie theater Anjalie got a text, her face instantly lit up, but what she did not know was that Khushi saw her. When they got to the theater Anjalie put her hand in her head as if it was hurting, she told Arnav and Khushi that she was not feeling well and she was going to go home, then have the driver pick them up. Arnav said okay, but khushi had some doubt. After a while she shook her head in okay.
As soon as Anjalie drove off Khushi blurted out "she is lying" she got a text message I saw it. it must be from her friends, I have and idea let's follow her." Arnav looked at her like she was crazy then said " khushi what is with you and your Crazy Ideas; Di is not feeling well, she went home to rest simple. " No Arnav, I know she didn't go home, give me your phone I'll show you." Khushi looked at the phone pressed some buttons the shouted " see I told you, she is at that fancy restaurant not far from here." Arnav narrowed his eyes but when he look at the phone he saw she was telling the truth. Instead of going to the movies Arnav and Khushi both decided to play spy. Arnav called a taxi and they went there. When they got there they saw Anjalie was sitting beside a boy, who looked older than her. Arnav wanted to walk up to her and expose her lies, but Khushi stopped him. Arnav could not believe his Di had lie to him. Khushi dragged him from there and they went back to the theater. By the time they got there it was too late to see the movie. Arnav was still fuming so Khushi decided to fix him, " Arnav you remember when we use to come to the mall and everything I touch you buy it for me; let's do that. You haven't spoiled me in a while." Growing up almost all the pocket money Arnav got was spent on Khushi, he never made her ask for something twice, as Khushi grew older she became aware of that fact and stopped asking for many things or she would ask her parents when Arnav was not around. At that moment though, that was the only thing she could think of, so she went with it; however, she did not touch anything expensive because she did not need it and she also did not want Arnav to spend all his money." An hour pass when Arnav got a text from his di telling him that she is feeling better and she would come to pick him and Khushi up. Arnav told Khushi and they walked back to the theater.
When Anjalie came Arnav made khushi get in then got in and slammed the door Anjalie scold him for slamming the door and Arnav said " why are you scolding me? Was the door too loud? Is your head still paining? Who am I kidding, that boy you had lunch must have cured it nah." Anjalie slammed the brakes and Khushi shouted " Arnav I told you not to say anything." She then turn to Anjalie and said "don't worry di we won't say anything to the parents."
Anjalie sighed and decided to tell them the truth, she told them that the boy name is Aman and he is her senior, she met him at university and he was helping her with her studies then they started dating, she told them that Aman had already met the parents so they don't have to worry about spilling the beans, she also told them that Aman was scared to meet them in case they don't like his as he know how much they meant to Anjalie. She stared at Arnav waiting for him to say something, he looked back at her through the rare view mirror and said " tell him if he wants to keep seeing you be prepared to meet us next weekend." Anjalie sighed in relief and shook her head in agreement. She really hoped the liked Aman because her feelings for him was getting stronger.

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