Part 15

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One day when khushi was 16 Meera had noticed her daughter staring at Arnav, she knew from how lost khushi got that it wasn't any ordinary stare. She had known that while khushi was growing up Arnav thought of her as his life partner based on how mature he behaved around her, he always did what was best for her. Sometimes the way Arnav behave with khushi scared her. She knew her baby might not view Arnav the same way and that made her worry for both Arnav and khushi as she considered Arnav to be her son and she didn't want him to have a broken heart, she also knew Arnav was strong willed and possessive towards khushi. She hoped and prayed that if Khushi was to reject Arnav he wouldn't force a relationship on her. But looking at her baby in that moment she knew without doubt that khushi felt the same towards Arnav. She knew she had to talk with Khushi as she was still young; she wanted her baby to enjoy her life as a child and not grow up too fast. Later that night while Meera was oiling Khushi's hair she decided to talk to her. She told Khushi that she noticed she wasn't herself lately and asked her if something was on her mind, she didn't want to embarrass her daughter so she did mention anything about her staring at Arnav. Khushi told her she was fine. The next morning when Meera woke khushi up for school khushi asked if she could pick her up from school to spend some time together just the two of them and Meera agreed.
That evening when Meera had picked khushi up from school Khushi asked if they could get food and go to the near by park for a picnic, when they got to the park. Khushi told Meera about her day at school, her friends and her very strict/mean Math teacher who put a big red mark in her book because she got one problem wrong. At that Meera laughed because she knew Khushi was exaggerating. When they were done eating, khushi layed her head in her mother's lap, something she always did for comfort. Meera started running her fingers through Khushi's hair and it was then khushi started talking. Khushi expressed to her mother that she was having these feelings like a tummy flutter whenever Arnav is around, that her heart beats loudly for him, that she finds  him sexy and could stare at him all day and that whenever she is away from him she misses him and can't wait to see him. She told her mom about feeling protected, loved and cherished whenever Arnav is around, that she liked Arnav and was scared that she is too young to feel this way and she asked her mom to not judge her. She was also scared about Arnav not feeling the same way about her.
Meera just listen as she already knew. She then told Khushi that what she was feeling was normal and it's okay to have feelings for someone as that was apart of growing up and it's nothing to feel bad about. She also told khushi that she should try to focus on her studies for now as she was still a little young. She purposely avoided saying anything about Arnav liking Khushi, she decided that could wait. Like how was she supposed to tell her baby that Arnav has been in love with her since before she was born, and that her existence was Arnav's wish come true.
When Meera and Khushi was about to go home when they got a message from Kabir saying he was over at the Raizada's so Meera and Khushi went straight there. After dinner the adults went for a stroll around the neighborhood, Meera told them that Khushi had confide in her about Arnav. All the adults were relieved as they had the same worries as Meera. Later that night khushi decided she wanted to watch movies with her parents and for the zillionth time she chose to watch Aladdin, but that night something changed when Khushi said " Arnav is so much like Aladdin." Then she whispered under her breath thinking no one would hear her that she hopes to be his Jasmine."
Kabir teared up and excused himself and went to  his room. Luckily for him only his wife saw it. Meera knew her husband was sad that their baby was growing up so fast.
A few weeks later Arnav visited his dad at the office, he never does that unless he wanted to talk so his father waited for him to start talking. Arnav revealed to his father that it's getting harder for him to be around Khushi and he is starting to see her as his woman. Right away his father told him to keep him self in check and under control because while Khushi may be his future wife at the moment she is still a child. He also suggested that whatever urges Arnav had, he better take care of them in the shower for at least the next 2 years and threatened Arnav that if anything should happen to Khushi, he himself will kill him as Khushi was no different from Anjalie to him. He knew Arnav would never harm Khushi, but he also understood the urges of young men. Arnav didn't say anything as he understood where his father was coming from, he was even upset at himself for seeing khushi in  that way, but he couldn't help it. His mission after that meet with his dad was to figure out a way to get his Junior to stop standing at attention every time khushi does something cute or unintentionally sexy.

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