Part 39

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It was the the next day and everyone got up early and ready to start. The first thing on their agenda was to go for an official tour of the school and get Khushi ready to start school.

When they got to their destination, Khushi found herself standing in front of the sign Harvard Medical School; Medical school was her dream, but she never once imagined it would be Harvard. Her heart pounded with excitement and nervous anticipation. Arnav saw that she was scared and he reassured her that everything would be fine.

Arnav took her hands, and the family walked to the main office. Inside, they were greeted by a faculty member who guided them  through the  halls of the school. The tour included state-of-the-art laboratories, lecture halls buzzing with intellectual discussions, and libraries housing an extensive collection of medical literature; and a history of the school and some of the pass graduates.

Khushi's nervousness vanished and her excitement grew as she envisioned herself attending lectures, doing research, and meeting new people who shared her passion for medicine. She smiled at Arnav and made a mental note to thank him for insisting she go to Harvard. Seeing Khushi's constant smile  brought relief to the family.

Meera and Alia also liked the set up of everything and couldn't stop talking about the the wonderful experiences Khushi would have. Kabir and Anand didn't care much as it was getting closer for them to leave khushi. They had already talked to their assistants about making sure their schedules were cleared one weekend per month to make sure they could visit. Their wives told them they were being too dramatic, but they didn't care.

After the completion of the tour, they were given a list of the things Khuhsi would need and her schedule. They then went to pay the necessary fees which Arnav insisted on paying much to Kabir's objection.

When all the formalities were completed, they went out for lunch. While they ate everyone shared how proud they were of Khushi. They also shared stories of Khushi's naughtiness growing up and Alia warned her not to play any pranks on the lecturers. The laughter got louder  and Khushi's cheeks became pink when Meera said " your Arnav won't be able to save you." Deep down Khushi knew they were just joking around to lighten the mood knowing they would soon be leaving her alone in another country.

Amid the laughter and shared stories, they discussed plans for the upcoming months. Arnav again assured Khushi that he was only a phone call away while  Meera and Alia promised to visit whenever possible.

After lunch they took a stroll through the city, Khushi couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for her family's love and support.

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