Part 24

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It was a month later and everyone including Anjalie, Aman, the twins and Aman's parents were at the Raizada's house for a family night. They were also all on baby watch as Anjalie was pass due.

They were half way through a movie when Anjalie got up to  use the restroom and just as she was about to walk off, her water broke.  Anjalie was frighten and started to panic. Her mom was quick to start calming her down and everyone got ready and went to the hospital.

When they got there Anjalie was taken to the room for delivery, she started crying that the pain was unbearable and the pressure was too much. Aman did his best to comfort her and told her doctor will soon give her some painkillers but that did little to calm her down. She then started crying for her mother.

Alia and Aman took turns comforting Anjalie while the doctor and nurses came in to check her and set everything up. When everything was set up Khushi and the twins went in to see her. Khushi stood a way from the bed because seeing the equipments and supplies overwhelmed her.

After a while Arnav drove Khushi and the twins home as it was late and there was no point in them staying since the baby probably wouldn't come in till the next day and Anjalie was in and out of sleep. The parents chose to stay as they were beyond excited for their grand baby.

When they got home the twins went to the room they were staying in and Khushi and Arnav went to his room. Arnav was a bout to tell her to go to her room, but the look on her face told him to let her stay. When they got to the room, they both went to change for bed, Arnav went to his closet and Khushi to the bathroom. When Arnav was done he laid on the bed and waited for Khushi, but she was taking forever.

Arnav called her but didn't get any answer, he got worried and went to the bathroom door, knocked, and Khushi finally opened it. He saw her eyes and knew Khushi was crying. He asked her what was wrong, but khushi didn't say anything. Arnav took her to his bed and made her lay down.

When he laid  beside her Khushi broke down crying and said "Arnav do you want kids? I don't know if I can have them, I'm scared." Arnav knew seeing Anjalie in the hospital brought those feelings in her.

Arnav pulled her closer and told her he does want kids and that when the time comes he will be there every step of the way. He told her that everything would be fine with Anjalie and they made sure to get her the best doctors and nurses and he would do the same for her. Khushi calmed down a little, but the thought of pushing a baby out still lingered in her mind and she clung closer to Arnav.

Khushi had no idea, but Arnav was also scared. He was thinking how his Khushi will handle all that pain and he also knew there was risk in every birth, but he didn't want to tell Khushi that. He was also second guessing ever having kids after hearing Anjalie's cries, but he knew that wasn't what Khushi wanted to hear so he lied.

The next day Khushi and the Twins got up early because they couldn't wait to go back to the hospital. When Khushi got to the hospital she rushed to go see Anjalie, but was stoped by her dad as Anjalie was actively delivering the baby. Khushi heard cries coming from the room and she got scared again. She went and sat on her mothers lap and Meera could sense her baby's fear.

Meera patted Khushi's back and said "don't be scared baby, the pain and everything disappears when you first hold your baby. The minute I held you the pain was gone and all I felt was pure unconditional love." Somehow Khushi felt comforted by her moms words and as if on cue Aman came out smiling and stated he had a baby boy and both he and Anjalie were healthy.

When Anjalie was settled all went in the room. They took turns hugging Anjalie and holding the baby. Everyone was laughing at the way Aman was holding him, his mother was trying to show him how to hold the baby properly when his dad asked the name of the baby. Aman looked to Anjalie has they hadn't chosen one yet; Anjalie looked at the baby and said Aditya which cause Aman to look at her in shock, he had no idea Anjalie had heard him.

They were studying one day when Anjalie slept off and Aman started envisioning about his future with her. He talked about how he can't wait to marry her and have cute babies with her, and how thankful he was that the professor class was hard and he got to help her study. He jokingly said that he was going to name his first born son after the professor. Unbeknownst to him, Anjalie wasn't really sleeping.

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