Part 11

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One Saturday morning Meera and Kabir were having breakfast when they saw Khushi walked in. She made some cereal, sat down at the far corner of the table, ate and then went straight to her room. Kabir looked at Meera then asked her if she had also seen Khushi as he thought he was seeing things. Khushi was never one to wake up early on weekends and no matter how mad she was at her parents in the mornings she always greeted them with a kiss on their cheeks. Also, she rarely ever ate cereal because Arnav had warned her that it was not a healthy breakfast. Meera told him she also thought she was seeing things. They both tried to figure what was wrong, but decided to give her space.
At noon when neither of them saw her leave her room or ask to visit Arnav they got worried.
Meera decided to call Alia to see if Khushi and Arnav had a fight while she was there, but Alia said not that she know of and that khushi had called Arnav and Anjalie earlier that morning canceling their weekly outing stating that Kabir was taking her out. Meera told her okay and hung up. Kabir was shocked because he had not planned anything with Khushi so that worried the parents more and Meera decided to check on her.
When Meera got to the room she saw Khushi sleeping, she checked her to see if she had any fever and she did, she also noticed that khushi's brow was scrunched up as if she was in pain. Meera walked to Khushi's bathroom to grab some pills for her and when she opened the door what she saw made her instantly knew what was wrong with Khushi. On the floor bundled up was Khushi's bedding and pajamas. Her baby had gotten her first period; she broke down crying thinking she failed as a mother, why didn't her baby confide in her, was she such a horrible mom. Periods were never something that was hidden among the Mishra's and the Raizada's. Arnav also knew about it and he was the one to help Anjalie when she had started. Meera had also started having conversations with khushi regarding changes in her body which started when she was 10 and now she was 12 so why didn't she feel like she could tell her. Meera was sad but her feelings could wait, first she had to get the pain killer to khushi. After composing herself, she got the pain killer with some water and took it to Khushi, she called her name a few times but khushi was in deep sleep, she placed the pill and the water on the bedside table then pat Khushi a few times to wake her up. The second khushi realized it was her mom who woke her up, she jumped into her arms and started crying. Meera held her and let her cry much like Alia had done for her when she had started.
After about 20 mins Khushi told her that she started her periods and that she had a stomach ache, Meera gave her the pain killer and made her lay down. Khushi then told her mom she saw it that morning when she woke up and she was embarrassed and didn't  want to talk about it, so she just had a bath and wore a pad like Meera had shown her. Meera was happy she had kept a pack in Khushi's bathroom for when she needed it. Meera kissed her forehead and told her she understood, a few seconds later Khushi asked if Meera could be the one to tell her dad because she didn't want to; Meera just told her okay which gave relief to her baby's red face. After a while Meera heard Khushi belly rumble and got up to get her something to eat, but Khushi grabbed her hand and wouldn't let go so Meera told her she had to eat. Khushi decided to follow her mom to the kitchen.
As soon as they got to the bottom of the stairs khushi saw her father, Khushi turned red and hurried to hide behind her mother. Kabir looked at Meera puzzled by Khushi's behavior, Meera smiled at him and told him that his baby was growing up and she started her periods. Khushi prayed the earth would open and swallow her up, how could her mother embarrass her like that. Kabir was a little stunned but recovered quickly and walked towards Khushi. Khushi tried to get away but Kabir was quicker and he picked her up like he had done many times and said "Khushi why are you embarrassed and scared of me, this doesn't change anything, It's just a part of you growing up. Your mom gets them, your aunt Alia gets them and even your Anjalie di gets them and so does more than half the population so it's nothing to be ashamed of, give me my morning kiss because you didn't this morning and that hurt my feelings." That made Khushi smile and she relaxed. Kabir took her to the table and Meera brought them all lunch.
After lunch Meera called the Raizada's and inform them about Khushi;  they came over in the evening with lots of gifts and loads of chocolate which Arnav warned Khushi not to eat all at once. By the end of the day Khushi was happy and she even felt silly for being embarrassed and hiding her period.

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