Part 3

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5 years old Arnav woke up extra happy, he was so happy he drank all is milk without making a fuss. He even gave his sister a hug. His parents look at him shocked because he was upset with his sister before bed and every morning he throws a tantrum when he is supposed to drink his milk.

Arnav looked at his parents and smiled then said " Mommy can you take me to Meera Auntie's house, I have a gift for her. "Without waiting for an answer he ran to his room and came back dressed with his favorite story book in his hand.

While they were walking to Meera's house, Arnav kept smiling; his mother look at him wondering why he was so happy. When they reach the house Arnav ran to Meera and gave her the book saying "this book is my first gift, read it every night please" she smiled at him and said thank you, but then she looked at Alia with a questioning gaze.

Arnav had given her gifts many times before. Alia just shrugged her shoulders, she had no idea what had gotten into her son. The next day Arnav woke up and again he drank his milk without a fuss, then requested to visit Meera's house again.

When he got there he asked her if she read the book to which she replied yes bringing a huge grin to his little face. A week later Arnav insisted on visiting the store, he was on his best behavior all week so his father took him to the store as a treat.

Arnav walked passed the aisle with the cars and trains and when his father asked where her was going, he said he was going to look at the stuffed toys. Arnav is always annoyed by his sister's stuffed toys so that baffled his dad; never the less, he followed his son.

Arnav looked at all the stuffed toys before selecting a light pink stuffed bear. "This one is perfect, I hope she likes it!" He said. He then asked his father to take him to Meera's house and he gave her the bear.

The next day was Sunday and both families were watching T.V after having dinner together when Arnav ran to his room and came back with a chocolate for Meera. Meera looked at the adults in the room before asking the question they all were thinking.

Arnav why are you giving me all these gifts? He looked her for a while before saying, "they are not for you, they are for her." Alia, Anand, and Kabir were puzzled, but Meera gasped and said "Arnav how do you know?" He smiled and said "I know, she is my princess."

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