Part 30

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The week after they got back from Goa Arnav was busy at work planning his first fashion show. His employees were with him every step of the way working overtime to make sure his show was successful.

He was late getting home from work and was missing dinners; but like promised he was going to Khushi's room to kiss her goodnight even when she was asleep. He would leave her notes to make sure Khushi knew he was there.

Khuhsi was also busy with school as it was approaching her exams, Arnav hired her a tutor even though khushi told him she didn't need it, but he wanted to make sure she had someone to help her study since he was busy.

One afternoon Khushi got done with her classes early so she decided to surprise Arnav with lunch. She called her driver and asked him to pick her up and stop at Arnav's favorite restaurant to grab food.

When Khushi got to his office everyone was looking at her, they assumed she was a new employee and thus they directed her to HR office. Khushi tired to tell them she was there for Arnav, but the employees were too busy with their work to notice.

Khushi decided to walk around to look for Arnav's office. When khushi got to the door she knocked and Arnav told the person to come in not knowing it was Khushi. Khushi walked in and Arnav was busy on his computer and didn't bother to look up.

Khushi stood there just watching him and she was being turned on by the way Arnav was focused, but she knew that it wasn't the right time or place to be having those thoughts. She cleared her throat and Arnav looked up. When he noticed she was there he immediately got up with a huge smile on his face and went to greet her with a kiss.

He noticed she brought him food and felt really happy that they could finally have a meal together after so long. Khushi was about to grab another chair but Arnav stopped her and pulled her to his lap stating he wanted to be close to her.

After khushi sat in his lap he opened the containers and his mouth watered from the aroma and he knew right away Khushi brought his favorite food. He grabbed the forks and handed one to khushi though he planned on feeding her. They both fed each other and an hour after they were done eating, Arnav walked khushi to the building door as he had to get back to work.

Everyone noticed Arnav walking with his arm around khushi, but none said anything and some people smiled looking at them. When they were outside Arnav made her sit in the car, kissed her forehead and thanked her again for the food. He went back in the building after the car drove off.
Arnav had missed spending time with Khushi and couldn't wait for the fashion show to be over so they could spend more time together.

When Khushi got home she saw her mom and her aunt in the kitchen talking while making dinner. She sneaked up behind her aunt and scared her; Alia screamed and dropped the bowl of rice and Meera and Khushi burst out laughing. When Alia recovered she pulled Khushi's cheek and said " I brought chocolates for you, but I guess I'll have to eat them" Khushi started whining and Meera and Alia started laughing.

When the laughter died down Meera told Khuhsi the she would make something for her to eat. Khushi told her that she wasn't hungry which shocked them both as Khushi always lunch when she got home.

Alia reached over and touch Khushi's forehead to check if she had fever because only when khushi was sick she didn't eat. Khushi blushed and looked away then said " I had lunch with Arnav, I went to his office." Meera and Alia both smiled at her and decided not to tease her which shocked Khushi, but she was happy they didn't.

Meera reached over and kissed Khushi's head and she started telling khushi about all the times she would skip work to go see Kabir when they just got married, Alia gave her a look and said "tell the truth, you still do" Meera blushed and said " I'm not the only one, Anand told me you brought him lunch the other day and insisted he feed you." Alia tried to defend herself but gave up knowing it was true.

Khuhsi just laughed and both of them and said " I hope Arnav and I are the same when we get older." Alia told her not to worry because knowing Arnav he will get sick everyday just to see her. At that khushi smiled and they went back to cooking. Khuhsi thinking about her future and Alia and Meera feeling content that their children are happy.

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