Part 17

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Khushi woke up and instantly jumped out of bed. It was the morning of Arnav's graduation from university and khushi was excited for it. She had told the the adults that she wanted to plan his graduation party and surprise him.  Everyone advised her not to because Arnav did not like surprises. Khushi just gave them a cheeky smile and said " meri Arnav can never be upset at me. I am his life".

When she made that statement everyone looked at her, ever since she had made her feelings known to her mom she did very little to hide it. She also knew that her mom told the others because all the kids knew growing up that there was no secret amongst the adults.

Meera had tried to get Khushi to stop thinking about Arnav too much, but her efforts was unsuccessful, so she decided to leave her. They did notice however that she never once made her feelings known to Arnav, so when she made that statement everyone was shocked.

What the adults didn't know was that Khushi had started observing Arnav keenly from she had the conversation with her mother. Unbeknownst to Meera, Khushi had picked up that her mother purposely avoided saying anything about whether she thinks Arnav will like her or not.

Khushi had started to think back on her childhood; she realized that she couldn't find a memory where Arnav was not around. Even when Arnav and Anjalie would go visit their family from their father's side they would always take khushi with them. The family also saw Khushi as theirs.

Khushi remembered one such trip when she was about 6, Arnav cousin who was a year older to him kept pulling her hair. Arnav warned him several time to stop, but then he heard khushi crying and found his cousin pulling her hair once again. Arnav jumped on him and gave him some punches when the adults came over to part the fight his cousin said he was only playing with khushi because he liked her. Arnav escaped from his uncles hand and beat his cousin some more, his uncles had a hard time pulling him away. When they got him away he shouted that he is the only one who is allowed to like Khushi.

Khushi also remembered Arnav taking blames for her whenever khushi was about to get in trouble. She couldn't ever remember being scolded by the adults when Arnav was around.

Also, Arnav was always with her. When Arnav went to play sports with his friends he would take her with him and set up an area for her to play, making sure she was comfortable before going to play. Khushi play went from dolls to books through the years. Whenever khushi hung out with her friends Arnav also went, but he never bothered them.

A few months ago khushi wanted to sleep aver at the Raizada's but unlike them sleeping in the same bed like they've always done, Arnav took khushi to her room stating that his room wasn't clean. Following that night Arnav made every excuse he could think of to avoid khushi sleeping with him in his room.

Khushi knew for sure Arnav liked her too because when she visited his university a couple days before his graduation, all of Arnav's friends were coupled up and he was the only one single. She heard comments from his friends stating he was the only single one and university was just about over, he wasted all that time just studying and now he doesn't have a life partner and something must be wrong with him. Khushi was getting angry by their teasing but Arnav just smiled through it. That night when Arnav took Khushi to her room he thought she was sleeping so he whispered " no need to be angry at my friends angry bird, I've already have my life partner, you are my life." When he left the room khushi got up smiling and the butterflies she's been feeling multiplied.

For Arnav's  party Khushi told everyone to wear blue and made the event planners decorated the place blue and black. Khushi had the chefs make all Arnav's favorite food and ordered special sweets for Arnav and invited his friends. Khushi was happy everything was perfect and she couldn't wait for after the graduation to surprise Arnav.

After the graduation everyone was anxious because they were scared fi how Arnav would react. Arnav had told them that he didn't want to do anything to celebrate so the plan was to go to the Meera's for dinner.

When Arnav got to the house and saw what was going on he looked a little angry, but when Khushi shouted "surprise" he knew the party was planned by her only, so whatever anger he felt disappeared right away because he saw how happy Khushi was.

The party went well and even Arnav's friend got gifts. Anand gave Arnav some money to help start his business, Alia gave him a car, Kabir and Meera gave him land which was close to them, Anjalie gave him a gold & sliver watch and khushi got him some new clothes and books. Everyone went to bed happy and Arnav dreamt about Khushi and starting his business.

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