Part 6

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Khushi was welcomed home with loads of balloons covering the entrance of the house and tons of stuff toys. With careful steps Meera took khushi to her room and lay her in her cot. Right away Arnav went to her and stared at her; he was happy she was out of the hospital as he hated it.

Over the next week Alia helped Meera adjust to motherhood and Kabir was there for her every step of the way. They had gotten into a routine now.

Arnav was reluctant to go to school but, but his parents wouldn't allow him to stay another day off since he had already taken a week off to be near his princess. Arnav fought with his mother when she tried to get him ready for school; as a bribe Meera promised him that after school he will get to hold Khushi and help put her to bed.

That was a sure reason for Arnav to go to school because all week long his mother had been telling him he was too small to hold her.
At school Arnav could not focus on anything, he was so happy to tell everyone who would listen about his princess, how tiny and pretty she was.

The teacher had also scold him for talking during the lesson but he did not care. Every five minutes he was looking at the clock to see if it was time to go home; he was too excited and couldn't wait for the bell to ring.

Finally it was time to go home and he ran to Anjalie's class to get her cause he knew she always talked to her friends and he didn't want to wait another minute. As soon as he saw saw her he shouted, "didi  your friends will be here tomorrow you can talk to them then," Anjalie rolled her eyes, but followed him as she also wanted to see Khushi.

As soon as they got to the house Arnav ran to his mother to help him get a bath, he didn't want to get any of the school germs on his khushi. Anjalie stuck her tongue out at him, laughed and started to tease him because Arnav always complained whenever it was time to bathe, but Arnav could care less.

As promised after his bath Meera made him sit on the bed and put khushi in his lap. He didn't stop smiling and right away he started asking about her day, then answering his own questions pretending to be her. He also told her about his day minus when the teacher scold him, she didn't need to know he got in trouble for talking about her.

The next day the adults took Khushi and Meera to the hospital for their check up and everything was perfect. Kabir was happy and thankful his wife and daughter's health, so on their way home he stopped at the orphanage where Meera and Alia grew up to make a special donation.

While walking to the office, he saw two  babies sleeping in the same cot. He asked the care taker about them and she told him that they are a week old twin dropped off by their mother for their safety because their father was upset they are girls and he doesn't want them.

Kabir put his hand on his heart because he could not imagine not having Khushi or Anjalie. He promised to personally take care of the twins every need until they are there, even though Meera and Alia already donate 50% of their salary every month to the orphanage.

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