Part 32

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It was the day before Arnav's fashion show and he was really stressed. He was sitting on his bed with his computer checking the link to his fashion show to make sure it was working; he wanted people who couldn't attend the show to be able to watch it live. Khushi kept telling him there was nothing to worry about because everything was ready to go but that didn't make him at ease.

Arnav heard the door slammed and when he look up he realize khushi was no longer in his room. Khushi was in his room hoping to be able to spend time with him, but he was too busy. Khushi had been calling his name for about a minute but he was lost in his computer. So when she left, he sighed and quickly got up to go find her.

He found khushi sitting by the pool with her foot in the water humming to herself. He went and sat beside her, but khushi got up and move to the other side. Arnav followed her, but she got up again. Instead of going to sit beside her again Arnav plopped himself in her lap. Khushi started laughing and smacked his arm telling him to get up, but he told her until she forgave him he wouldn't.

Khushi kept telling him he was heavy, but Arnav wouldn't budge. Khushi pushed him and just as he was about to fall in the water he grab her clothes and pulled her in. Khushi shouted " Arnav you made me wet." Arnav splashed water on her and said " it wouldn't be the first time." Khushi's face immediately turned bright red and she hid her face in his chest to hide her embarrassment."

Arnav's laughter got louder and he swam away from her. Khushi chased him but Arnav was faster. They played in the water until Arnav heard Khushi coughing and decided they should get out. Arnav led Khushi to her room, but she refused and walked with him to his. Arnav told her she should shower in her own room but she didn't listen and walked to his bathroom. Arnav had no choice than to shower in her room, so he grabbed his stuff and left.

When khushi was done showering she realized she forgot to bring clothes. She grabbed Arnav's towel not caring if he already used it, dry herself then walked to his closet and wore his clothes. When Arnav went back to his room and saw her he was left speechless and he instantly got hard. He had brought clothes for her, but it was clear his girl didn't need them.

He looked at her and she smirked, he knew right away she knew what she was doing. He walked to her, grabbed her, and started kissing her neck. Khushi pushed him away and told him to go finish his work on his laptop. Arnav asked if she was serious and she told him yes. Arnav ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

Arnav started walking to his bathroom and khushi knew what he was going to do. Just as he was about to go in Khushi stopped him. She took his hand, led him to his bed, pulled his pants down, made him sit, knelt down and began stroking him. Khushi then stared in his eyes, grabbed his balls and squeezed it. She ran her fingers on his pre-cum and brought it her tongue.

Arnav's eyes darkened and khushi reached up and kissed his lips. She then moved to his penis and kissed it too. She rotated her tongue around it several times then took as much of it as she could in her mouth and sucked it. She kept alternating between sucking and licking.

When Arnav was about to cum he told her to get up, but khushi stayed and he exploded in her mouth and she drank it. Arnav was lost for words, he dropped back on the bed and khushi got up and kissed him so he could taste himself.

Arnav wanted to return the favor, but khushi told him next time and went to her room to brush her teeth while Arnav went to his bathroom to clean up. Arnav couldn't believe his Khushi had done that, but he definitely felt less stress and he realized she did it to help him relax and not worry too much about the show.

When Arnav was finished in the bathroom he went to khushi's room to look for her, but she wasn't there. He walked to the stairs and heard noise coming from the kitchen so he went there. He saw that she had changed to her clothes and she was making lunch for them and was talking to Anjalie who had stopped by. Anjalie gave him a smirk and he knew she must have came over when he and khushi were in his room.

He rolled his at her and whispered under his breath " khushi and I really need to get our own place so we can have privacy" Anjalie rolled her eyes back at him and said " I heard you, and before Khushi is your fiancée and soon to be wife, she is my sister. I will have a key to your house and a room in it too, so it makes no difference." She stuck her tongue out at him and khushi burst into laughter and Anjalie joined in when Arnav started whining.

The parents walked in and asked what's so funny. Anjalie pointed to Arnav and said " why don't you tell them." To which Arnav quickly shouted nothing causing khushi and Anjalie to laugh harder.

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