Part 10

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Every summer since the age of 10 Anjalie and Arnav would volunteer their time for two weeks. Their parents thought it was a good opportunity for them to put their time towards something which can help emotionally, physically, socially and intellectually. The kids had luxurious lives and their parents wanted them to learn good values.

Anjalie chose to volunteer at the local animal shelter/vet, she worked there 3 hours a day helping to feed the animals, clean their housing and bathe them. Arnav chose to volunteer at a tailors shop, helping to clean the shop, cut materials and take measurements which he was really good at. The man who owned the shop was really nice, Arnav had noticed him giving out clothes and blankets to people on the streets several times; he had ask his father about it and his father told him that whatever profit the man made on the second and fourth Friday of the month he would use it to buy material to make the items for the homeless. Arnav was touched by what his father told him and he donated all his allowance from that month to the tailor thus when it was time for him to choose a place to volunteer, he chose the tailor's shop.

Khushi always wanted to volunteer too and when she turned 10 she was really happy. Khushi thought long and hard about where she wanted to volunteer and finally she chose the orphanage where her mom and aunt grew up. Khushi always liked visiting the orphanage with her family and she couldn't think of a better place she would want to spend her time. Khushi's responsibility was to sort the items donated to the orphanage, help serve the children their food, sometimes she would feed the younger kids and occasionally plan with the kids and played pranks on the caretakers.

The kids all loved to volunteer, they took their responsibilities seriously and they never once complained. The adults were proud of them especially Meera and Alia, who grew up without money. They never wanted their kids to be spoiled and insensitive like many of the privileged kids they had encountered growing up, so seeing their kids wanting to give back made them happy.

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