Part 33

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It was the day of Arnav's fashion show and everyone was excited to see his collection. He had invited his friends from college and his parents had also invited their friends. A lot of people including celebrities and fashion critics showed up.

Arnav was running around making sure all the clothes looked perfect. Khushi was just looking at him from a far admiring his hard work. When the show started the lights dimmed and the first model walked out. Everyone gasped in admiration of how beautiful the models were and the designs of the dresses had everyone's attention.

Arnav just kept smiling and didn't take his eyes off the runway. He had wanted to do fashion ever since he started to volunteer with Rajeev and though he had already built his fashion house, seeing the models on the runway was his dream come true.

When the show stopper ended their walk, the lights dimmed and Arnav went up to give his speech. When he looked in to the audience, he was surprised as he didn't know that so many people would show up, but he was extremely happy.

He thanked his family and Rajeev for supporting him and gave a special thank you to his employees because without them he could not have achieved everything, he thanked everyone for showing up and finally the viewers for tuning in online.

There was loud round of applause and whistles from the crowd. Arnav heart swelled with pride. He was beyond happy. Arnav took a moment to look at the critics and just seeing their faces made him know he could relax and everything went well.

Everyone left and only the family remained. Arnav went to the adults including Rajeev and touched their feet. Everyone congratulated him. When they asked where Arnav wanted to go for dinner he made Khuhsi choose and Khushi chose his favorite restaurant which the family found cute.

The family had a good time at dinner and when they finished eating khushi gave Arnav a gift. He smiled and opened it. When he opened it he looked at her with shock while the family the  family looked puzzled at the gift.

Khushi had given Arnav coins. Arnav had a secret coin collection which no one knew about or so he thought. He had read an article about a rare coin when he was younger and he was fascinated by them. When he started high school he started collecting them. He hadn't told  anyone about his collection, but khushi had visit him one day and saw him hiding them. He for sure thought she didn't see him.

Arnav smiled at khushi and explained the gift to his family. They gave him a look still not getting why Arnav collect coins but said nothing. The ones Khushi gave him were ones he had been searching for for a while. He had gotten an email telling him about 2 of the rarest coins going up for auction, but someone had out bid him. He looked at Khushi and she gave him a cheeky smile.

The family left the restaurant and Arnav and Khushi drove Rajeev home while  the Adults went to the Raizada's residence. On the way home Arnav thanked Khuhsi again and told her the coins meant the world to him. Khuhsi asked him why he hid his collection and he told her he thought it was silly, but she told him that nothing he does will ever be silly to her.

When they got home, Arnav parked the car and before Khushi got out she leaned over, looked into his eyes and said "I Love You." She didn't wait for his reply she just left the car and went in the house. The feeling Arnav felt was indescribable. He had love Khushi since before she was born which grew from platonic to romantic. They had said I love you's a zillion times, but the way khushi had said it was different.

Arnav walked inside and saw her sitting with the family. He smiled at her and she blushed a deep shade of red and looked away. He chuckled which got the attention of the rest of the family, but he ignored them and went to sit by Khushi. The family watched a movie together and when the movie was over Khushi  told her parents she was sleeping over.

They said okay and left, Anjalie also left with Aman and her in-laws. Arnav and Khushi went to their rooms; Alia stayed to lock up with Anand and then they went to their room. Arnav had just finish changing into his night suit when he heard a knock on the glass door to the pool, right away he knew it was Khushi as their rooms were the only ones connected to it, but he was wondering why she wasn't in bed.

Arnav opened the door and Khushi told him to come out, when he got out he saw Khushi had brought out blankets for them. He went and layed on one of the pool chair and Khuhsi went and layed on him. Arnav looked at her but didn't say anything. Khushi started telling him about the stars and pointing out her favorites. Arnav was shocked at how much she knew and he enjoyed listening to her.

After a while Khushi started kissing him and Arnav deepened the kiss.

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