Part 13

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The day had come when Arnav and Khushi were going to meet Aman. Aman had spent all week worked up over whether or not the kids would like him, he really liked Anjalie and their opinions were the most important to Anjalie. She had made that clear to him on their first date. Anjalie grew up being close to them and she didn't want any restrictions from her husband in regards to meeting them whenever she want.
Aman told Anjalie to pick a restaurant that was Khushi's and Arnav's favourite, he called Anjalie to come over earlier that morning to help him choose the perfect outfit so that he can make a good first impression.
Khushi was excited to officially meet her Jeeju so she was up from early in the morning picking her clothes and getting ready, Arnav on the other hand spent his morning making a list of questions he wanted to ask Aman.
When they were ready the driver drove them to the restaurant where Aman and Anjalie were already waiting.
As soon as they got inside khushi ran to Anjalie and shouted Di he's so cute, no wonder you said yes to dating him. Aman instantly turned red, but he smiled feeling a little at ease until he saw Arnav's face. Arnav did not even greet him he just looked at him with a stern face and right away started his questions.
"Did you offer to help my sister because you want her to fall for you? Where do you live? Do you live with your parents? Do you have siblings? Do you love my sister or do you just want to get in her pants? Are you and my sister having sex? Are you financially stable? When are you planning to marry my sister?"
Aman and Anjalie looked at him with their mouths open while Khushi just rolled her eyes at him. As soon as Aman recovered he started answering the questions.
"No, I didn't offer to help your sister because I wanted her to fall for me, I noticed she was serious about her studies as I always saw her studying so I offered to help her, I fell in love with her intellect. I live at..., I live with my parents and I have two younger sisters. I love your sister with all my heart. Your sister and I aren't having sex ( a lie, but Arnav and Khushi didn't need to know that). I am am still in school so I only work part time as of now, but I make enough to financially support your sister as I've also invested money in a few companies. I've already proposed your sister and have your parents and my parents blessing; however, I want your sister to complete her studies and marry me when she feels she is ready."
Arnav just looked at him and nodded his head. They then ordered and started eating, Khushi as usual did most of the chatting, Anjalie and Aman was on edge waiting for Arnav's Verdict, and Arnav was on a high from watching his JeeJu sweat. He had already accepted Aman. He had long ago noticed his sister being extra happy, but he couldn't figure the reason, and when he saw them together he got to know Aman was the reason. His sister's happiness is his happiness, so he wouldn't reject Aman, but he refused to tell them that till after dinner.

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