Part 9

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On Khushi's first day of second grade she was upset because Arnav would not be going to the same school as her anymore, she started going to the same school as him the year before, but he graduated. The adults had tried preparing her for it over the break because they knew Khushi would not be happy as she had gotten accustomed to having Arnav being with her all the time. That morning Khushi cried and refused to go to school but when she saw Anjalie and Arnav was ready to go to school she decided to go since she would be the only one at home.
3 hours into the school day Meera was called to the school to get khushi, the only thing the  teacher told her was that they would discuss when she got there. Meera was scared and immediately dropped everything to go to the school, but when she got there she could not help the loud laughter that escaped her mouth. Her little girl was covered in paint from head to toe; the teacher then told her that according to khushi the walls in the classroom was boring and needed some colorful pictures. Khushi had snuck into the class while the kids were on the playground and got to work painting, when the teacher and the kids came back khushi got frightened and dropped the paint splashing it all over herself and the classroom. Meera just shook her head and listen to the headmaster telling her and Khushi off. Meera was given a paper with the cost to clean the room and paint the walls which they would have to cover. As for Khushi's punishment, she was required to help the art teacher 2 days a week after school for a month. Meera didn't say anything because that was a fair punishment and khushi liked art.
That night the adults couldn't stop laughing when Meera told them what had happened and Anjalie pointed a finger at Arnav and said it was all because of him. A few weeks before khushi was playing in Arnav's room when she said his room wall was boring and his reply was "then paint it" Arnav wanted to barf when khushi was done and he saw the colour overload, but he just let it be because that was how his princess liked it. The adults laughed but all also hoped and pray Khushi wouldn't do anything else in school that Arnav had allow her to do at home as the school would for sure be on fire if that were to happen.

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