Part 23

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The night of the engagement when Arnav had told Khushi no to sleeping in his room everyone was shock because that was the first time he had said no to her, but what surprised them more was that Khushi did not throw a fit, she just said okay and went to her room.

The adults understood why Arnav had told Khushi no, so they didn't say anything. Arnav wanted to set boundaries with Khushi because even though they were engaged he wasn't planning to be intimate with Khushi anytime soon and he didn't want khushi think their engagement was a green light to such activities. Also, knowing that Khushi was officially his life partner there was no way he could keep him self under control that night if he was to be alone with her.

A month had passed since the engagement and Khushi and Arnav were enjoying spending time together and going out on dates, they still went to some of the same places as before the engagement, but Arnav had started openly holding Khushi's hand and feeding her from his plate while at restaurants. Khushi relished all that because she had been waiting to experience that for a long time.

Khushi and Arnav went to the beach one night to have dinner because Khushi was upset and to cheer her up Arnav decided to take her there. The dinner consisted of Khushi's favorite dishes and Arnav had made everything by himself.

Arnav had picked Khushi up from her house and drove to the beach, when they got there Khushi was in awe of how the area was decorated, but then she started to feel subconscious because she thought they were just driving to the the park so she didn't dress up.

When they got to their spot Arnav started to set everything up when her heard Khushi mumbling under her breath that she wasn't dress right for the occasion and Arnav must find her ugly and she can't even dress right, so she doesn't know how Arnav finds her attractive.

Before Khushi could finish what she was mumbling, Arnav leaned over and kissed her on her lips. Khushi was in shock as that was the first time Arnav had kissed her on the mouth. She opened and shut her mouth several times to say something, but she was lost for words.

Arnav went back to setting up acting like he didn't just kiss her for the first time; when Arnav was done, he held Khushi's hand and told her he never wants to hear her say such things again and that no matter how she dressed or looked he wouldn't care because all those are superficial.

Khushi nod her head and looked at him, she stared at him and as if her he read her mind, he reached over to kiss her again which last longer than the first time which gave Khushi a chance to kiss back. When they released from the kiss for breath Khushi smiled and snuggled into Arnav's chest.

Arnav and Khushi both fed each other then laid in each others arms, watched the stars and talked. About an hour later Khushi stoped talking and Arnav realized she fell asleep. Arnav picked Khushi up in his arms, brought her to the car and drove her home.

When Arnav got to Khushi's house he saw her parents on the couch watching TV. Meera raised her self from Kabir's lap so he could go take Khushi, but Arnav refused and took Khushi to her room. He tucked her in bed, kissed her lips and left. Meera told him to spend the night, but he told her he had some business to take care of and he would visit the next day.

When Arnav got home he had a massive smile on his face, when his mom asked him about it he said he always saw the stars, but he felt them for the first time. Alia looked at her son with concern, but Arnav just walked away still smiling without a care in the world, he waited forever for that moment; after all, it was also his first kiss. Lets just say, it was perfect.

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