Part 4

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All the adults were shocked when Meera confirmed what Arnav had said. While Kabir and Meera weren't trying to have a baby, they were happy none the less.

Though Meera wasn't sure about the baby's gender she felt in her heart she would have a girl since Arnav had said so; she immediately put her hand on her stomach and told the baby she couldn't wait to meet them.

Anjalie finally tuned into everything that was going on and was excited to have a little person to play with; she hoped the baby would be nothing like her brother who was rude, bossy, and the Devil with a capital D. 

Later on when Meera and Kabir went home he asked her why she hadn't mentioned anything to him about her pregnancy to which she told him she herself hadn't known until a day prior when she took a test after being suspicious when she missed her cycle which was never late and more likely to be early.

The next day they went to the doctor for a checkup and everything was perfect with their baby. The couple had agreed that Meera would start working less hours. Kabir knew Meera was a strong woman and she knew when to take breaks from working, but he just wanted the best for his wife and baby.

The Mishra's visited the couple almost everyday, sometimes they would even sleepover as they had their own floor in the Raizada's house (another request of Meera when the couples were building their houses) since Alia didn't want to be away from Meera and neither did Arnav. Everyday after school Arnav would request Meera to pick him up so he didn't miss another minute away from her.

When it came time to start decorating the baby's nursery Arnav was front and center. He went to the shops with his mom and aunt; he wanted everything to be perfect for her and they fulfilled his every request and followed his suggestions.

In the second trimester of the pregnancy Meera started to demand sweets with breakfast, lunch and dinner, something which Kabir tried his best to distract her from, but she always got her way in the end.

One evening everyone went to the park so the kids could play; Arnav was playing with a little girl when suddenly Meera screamed out in pain and her hand immediately went to her stomach. Everyone one ran over to her; "Meera Aunty are you okay" asked Arnav. "Yes beta," she replied while patting his head to reassure him. When everyone saw that she was okay they went back to what they were doing.

Arnav was playing on the swing with the other kids when the little girl ran over him, as soon as she started talking to him Meera again scream out in pain. Arnav went over to her and the pain subsided, he decided to sit with her until they were ready to go home.

The next couple of months flew by in a blink. One evening after Meera had picked Arnav and Anjalie from school, she started having pain, she knew without a doubt that her baby was coming as the pain had started the night before and continued in intervals, but this time it was worse so she knew she had to get to the hospital.

She passed her phone to Anjalie and told her inform the adults that the baby is coming and they should meet them at the hospital. Anjalie was excited and Arnav was tensed. Some how Kabir had made it there before her and Anand and Alia weren't far behind him.

The minute she reached the hospital she was taken to the delivery room and an hour later a baby's loud melodious cry could be heard from down the hall.

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