Part 28

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It was a few days later and the parents had not been home, Meera had called to check in with khushi and khushi told her she was fine, so Meera decided to stay.

Khuhsi started acting normal around Anjalie because she realized Anjalie really wasn't judging her, and she had put what happen behind them. Anjalie had also helped khushi scheduled the appointment.

When it was time for the appointment Aditya got sick and Anjalie had to take him home so she ended up leaving work early and as a result she wasn't able to go with Khushi. She had called khushi to let her know and Khushi asked her to cancel the appointment. Anjalie told her it was too late to cancel and she would be fine. Khushi was nervous, but she still went.

Khushi was sitting in the waiting when she saw someone who looked like Arnav; of course she thought she was hallucinating because there was no reason for Arnav to be at the Gynecologist office and she knew she hadn't said anything to him.

Arnav went and sat by her, but he didn't say anything to her because he was upset that khushi hadn't said anything to him. It was the first time ever that she had hid something from him, but when Anjalie call and told him he wanted to be there for her.

When the nurse called Khushi's name she got up to go in, but it wasn't until Arnav got up and held the small of her back that she realized he indeed was there and that gave her a shock and surprise. She was about to say something to him but Arnav told her not now they would talk later.

When they were in the office with the doctor Khushi turned a deep shade of red. The doctor asked Arnav how he was related to Khuhsi and he told her he was her Fiancé, the doctor nodded. She started asking Khushi questions to get background info, but Khushi zoned out from embarrassment and she didn't answer. The  doctor asked khushi about her last period and it wasn't until Arnav answered for her that she came back to earth.

Arnav answering caused Khushi to blush more and the doctor could not help but laugh. She explained the different methods of birth control to khushi and gave her options, but Khushi stuck to the pill. When it came time for the doctor to check Khushi she asked her to change into a gown. Arnav got up to leave, but khushi gave him a look with her eyes that told him to stay. The doctor looked at them, but she didn't say anything.

Khushi came back in a gown and the doctor motioned for the table, khushi started shaking from nervousness and so Arnav help her on the table and held her hand. The doctor checked her breast and stomach then told her to put her legs in the stirrups, at that point khushi wanted the earth to swallow her up, but she complied. The doctor did an external exam then an internal exam.

During all that Arnav was just holding her hands and looking at her eyes to give her some form of privacy and khushi fell in love with him more. The exam was over before khushi knew it and the doctor asked her to get dressed. When khushi came back the doctor told her everything looked fine and she gave them the talk that the pill wasn't 100% effective so she recommended they also use a condom.

She asked if they had any questions and they said no but then Khuhsi blurted out if it was okay to have oral sex. Arnav stared at her with his mouth wide open and Khuhsi replied with "I read it in a book and my friends talk about it." Arnav turned red from embarrassment and was lost for words because they had never talked about that before. The doctor couldn't help but laugh and told them it was normal and safe and it was up to them if they wanted to do it but the key is to make sure they practice proper hygiene.

Khushi told the doctor thanks and they left with her prescription. Arnav was still in shock as they walked to his car. Khushi was bolder than he thought. He decided to have a talk with her about her hiding her appointment from him, the things she was reading and the conversations she was having with her friends.

He picked up her pills, drove her to get food and then they went to the park to eat. When they were done eating, Arnav asked her why she hadn't told him about the appointment and she told him she was embarrassed and she didn't want him to talk her out of getting the pills saying she wasn't ready. She told Arnav she didn't like the fact that he still treated her with caution and like his little khushi and that she didn't like that he got to make all the decisions when it came to intimacy between them.

Arnav explained that he didn't mean to make her feel that way and he was only trying to protect her but khushi made him realize she didn't need protection when it came to what goes on in their relationship and their bedroom and that she wasn't his little khushi anymore. Arnav smiled and kissed her head and told her that he would try.

Khushi leaned back on his chest and Arnav told her no more listening to her friends, comparing their relationships and to be careful what she read because some stories aren't the same as real life. Khushi told him okay, but then looked at him with a cheeky smile and said she still wanted to try oral sex. They both burst out laughing remembering Arnavs reaction. Arnav kissed her lips and told her " your wish is my command." They stayed at the park and watched the sunset then Arnav drove them home.

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