Part 16

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Khushi was at Anjalie's house getting help with her homework when Anjalie ran to the bathroom covering her mouth. Khushi could hear her throwing up and she was in there a while so khushi went to check on her; she told khushi she was fine and she brushed her teeth, drank some water and went back to helping Khushi.

Khushi got done with her home work and she was about to leave but then she stopped in her tracks and said "Di are you pregnant?" Anjalie knew it was a question of formality, so she couldn't lie.

The minute khushi had walked into the bathroom she realized she messed up as the positive pregnancy test laying on the counter was visible to Khushi. She had hoped and prayed there would be a miracle and Khushi would miss it, but luck wasn't on her side.

Anjalie told khushi she was pregnant and asked her not to tell anyone as she hadn't got it confirmed by a doctor and she hadn't told Aman yet. Khushi just hugged her sister and promised not to say anything. Anjalie ran her finger through Khushi's hair and hugged her, she knew she was being unfair to Khushi by asking her to keep such a big secret, but she needed to.

The next day Anjalie messaged Khushi and told her to meet her outside and to tell her parents they were going shopping, they did that all the time so Anjalie knew it wouldn't raise any suspicions. When Khushi got in the car Anjalie told her she made an appointment with her doctor and wanted Khushi to come with her. Even though Anjalie was much older than Khushi they always had a great bond as Anjalie always treated Khushi as her equal. Khushi was happy she got to do this with her sister.

When they got to the doctor it was confirmed that Anjalie was indeed pregnant. Anjalie didn't say anything and neither did Khushi; they both just listened to the instructions from the doctor and after that Anjalie drove them straight home.

As soon as they got to Anjalie's room she broke down crying and Khushi comforted her, it's not that she wouldn't love the baby, but it wasn't even 6 months of her marriage or since she started working at the University and she wanted to wait a few more years. She was also on the pill so she wasn't expecting this to happen.

After a while Khushi said "di everything will be okay, you have one of the most supportive husband in the world. Nothing will change, jeeju will be here for you every step of the way and I know for a fact that the parents would love to be promoted to grandparents. I know for sure I can't wait to spoil my niece or nephew like you spoil me and I know Arnav will be the best uncle. If you are worried about work or not getting to spend time with Aman, don't. Everyone will be here to help you, and there is even a Nursery at the University so the baby can still be close to you when you go to work. Cheer up! It's time to plan how you are going to tell Jeeju. Did you keep that pregnancy test, we can get a onesie and gift it to him, or I have a better idea let's do some real shopping, you know how he likes when you pick his clothes for work? Tomorrow you should replace it with a baby outfit." And with that Anjalie stopped crying and the two went shopping.

The next day when Aman got out of the shower he shouted for Anajalie and instantly teared up. As soon as he saw the baby clothes he knew. He has been wanting to be a dad for the longest, but was willing to wait as long as Anjalie wanted. Even though he was excited he still checked with Anjalie to make sure she was okay with them having a baby. When Anjalie said yes, they hugged, cried, and laughed together imagining their future baby.

Khushi had to keep the secret a little longer as Anjalie and Aman wanted to surprise everyone else so they planned a dinner and the menu items served as hints. One of Aman's sister was the first to figure it out and shouted "bhabhi are you pregnant?" Everyone was surprised and happy. Anjalie gave one look to Arnav and knew Khushi had spilled the beans to him, she narrowed her eyes at khushi and khushi tried to give her an I'm innocent look, but Anjalie burst out laughing and said "Arnav no need to act surprised and Khushi I knew you told Arnav from the first night you saw the pregnancy test, you can't keep a secret from him to save your life." Khushi pouted and everyone started laughing.

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