Part 37

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Khushi had finally graduated from university and everyone was proud of her and happy, but Khushi was not.

It had finally sunk in that she would be going abroad to study and she was not happy about it. Whenever anyone from the family tried to talk to her she would answer them in one syllable.

Arnav took her on a date and she didn't even say two words to him or eat. He tried to feed her, but she kept her mouth close. He knew she was upset; however, he was tired of her tantrums. He drove her home and didn't even walk her to her door.

Khushi ran to her room crying and sent Arnav a long message that she wasn't even gone yet and he was already ignoring her. Arnav had just gotten to his room when he saw her message. He sighed to himself and made his way back to her house.

Kabir and Meera were sitting in the living room when he walked in. He said hi to them and Kabir gave him a look that said he felt his pain. Khushi saw him at her door and stopped crying but Arnav just looked at her and said

" Have I ever done anything that affect you negatively? No need to answer just think about it. I am not going to change my mind. Whether you like it or not you are going abroad to study."

And with that he left to his house, Khushi was
upset that Arnav didn't cuddle her the way she wanted him to so the tears started again but deep down she knew Arnav was right.

The next day she woke up early and went over to his house. Alia was cooking breakfast, and khushi walked to the pot and started eating from it. Alia pulled her cheek and told her to wait.

When the food was ready Alia sent Khushi to get  Arnav. She walked to his room and saw him sleeping. She walked to his bathroom only to return with a jug of water and threw it on him.

Arnav immediately jumped from his sleep and shouted, " Khushi you are so dead" Khushi took off running with Arnav hot on her heels. She ran behind Alia begging for her to save her but Alia didn't budge, Khushi  ran to the counter and Arnav chased her around it.

Alia looked at them and smiled. She hadn't seen them do that since Khushi started Uni. Before that, almost every week Arnav would be chasing Khushi. Like always khushi got tired and slump in Arnav's arms begging for forgiveness.

Arnav kissed her forehead and sent her to get a dry shirt for him. When Khushi left Alia walked walked to Arnav and said "keep her happy always."

Khushi came back with his shirt and Anand also came down for breakfast and they ate together. When they were done eating khushi said she had to go home as she needed to pack. They gave her a smile, but no one said anything as they didn't want to upset her again.

When Khushi got home she saw Anjalie's car so she ran in the house and shouted " look who finally has time for me." Anjalie rolled her eyes at her and Khushi continued " you don't spontaneously take me out anymore or spend time with me.  Every time I want to see you I have to make an appointment."

"I think you are forgetting you kicked my son and husband out of my bed last night when you came over unannounced sulking about everyone shipping you off." Replied Anjalie

Khushi turned bright red from embarrassment and Meera looked at them because she had no idea Khushi had left the house after Arnav had left. Anjalie started laughing and Khushi ran to her room.

The rest of the Raizada's soon joined them and they helped khushi packed with Anand joking Kabir would have to order shipping containers with the amount of things Khushi wanted to take. At the end of the day Khushi was all packed and ready.

Later that evening they were sat together having dinner when Arnav surprised Khushi with plane tickets for everyone. He knew the least he could do was have them all go with her to help her get settled in.

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