Part 22

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It was the day of the engagement and Khushi was very excited, she had slept in her parents bed the night before stating she was too anxious to stay alone. Meera laughed and told her to go to her room, but one look from Kabir and she shifted to make space for Khushi.

Kabir had been taking Khushi out everyday since the dinner, it was as if he was trying to spend as much time as he could with her before the engagement because he knew Arnav and Khushi would start going out and she would probably be too busy for him. Khushi had tried to reassure Kabir that wouldn't happen, but he knew what it was like when he started going out with Meera, he didn't even want her to go to the bathroom without him.

When Khushi had settled into the bed, Kabir asked her if she was planning to live in the Raizada's house or she wanted her and Arnav to have their own house. Khushi said she hadn't thought about it, but a few seconds later she said it would be nice for her and Arnav to have their own space so they could have privacy.

After she said that Kabir got up stating he had some work he had to finish so he would come back later. He kissed Khushi on her forehead and left. Meera and Khushi talked about any and everything thing and soon Khushi fell asleep.

When Meera saw that she was sleeping she got up to find Kabir because she knew he had lied and he didn't have any work. She checked his study and didn't find him, she walked downstairs and he was not there. She checked everywhere she could think of but he was no where to be found. She messaged Alia to see if he was there, but she messaged back saying no.

Meera was about to go check if his car was missing but then she heard noise in Khushi's room. When she opened the door she saw Kabir sitting on her bed watching old videos of her. When he saw Meera a tear fell from his eyes and  he motioned Meera to him and said " do you think we could convince khushi and Arnav to live with us."

Meera knew at that moment it was the emotional dad in him talking. Meera hugged him and  said "Kabir she is just getting engaged she will still live here for the foreseeable future. She hasn't even graduated high school yet, she has university and med school. She won't be getting married yet."

"The Raizada's live right next door, we have our own floor in the house and even if Khushi and Arnav decides to move out. We have acres of land next to us that they can build on. I know you and Anand often complain that Anjalie moved away but even then she is less than a two mile drive and you guys visit her every other day if not more."

"You and I both know Khushi, even when she has her baby/babies she will still be your baby, so stop worrying and enough of being Khushi's dad, it's making my husbands hairs grey" After that they went back to there room and slept.

For the engagement party the parents had invited some of their closest friends and Khushi had invited the twins. Anjalie invited her in-laws, her best friend and a coworker whom she had gotten close to. Aman came and participated as khushi's brother. Anand parents flew in, Meera and Alia invited the Aunties from the orphanage. And of course Arnav invited Rajeev uncle and his friends.

The guest list was small, but the function was grand as Kabir wanted only the best for his daughter. Arnav's friends were shocked and could not believe Arnav love was Khushi except for one name Sid who Arnav had given a black and blue eye when he had commented Khushi had a nice piece of ass one day when she visited  him in university .

Everyone was shocked when they saw Sid the next day in university with a swollen eye, but he lied and told them that he was in an accident. No one believed him, everyone knew he got punched, but Arnav's name was never on the list of suspects and until this day no one knew it was Arnav or why he punched him except Sid and Arnav.

Arnav gave Khushi a beautiful diamond ring. " it wasn't a massive diamond, but it was flawless, unique and sculpted perfectly for khushi. As a gift he gave her a pair of gold bangles engraved with "From the moment I wished for you my heart was yours, and it will always be yours." He also gave her a gold chain so she had the option of wearing her ring around her neck.

Khushi gave Arnav his ring, he requested his ring to not have diamonds but Khushi still put one at the bottom. Arnav just shook his head at her mischief. She gifted him a watch engraved with "I was yours before my birth, and I'll be yours after my death."

The engagement was perfect and everyone was happy. When the guests had left and it was just family left Khushi went to sit on Arnav's lap, she had done it many times before but this time was different and everyone felt it. When it was time for bed, Khushi requested to sleep in Arnav's room, and for the first time in her life Arnav told her no...

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