2. ~Clumsy~

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Written: 24 February 2023

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Written: 24 February 2023.

This one isn't that dark but still not completely awesome. I'm working on it.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My eyes stay closed as I hit my alarm making the device stop.

Along with a dry throat I have a pounding headache, burning back, sore jaw and aching ribs. Just as I suspected I got less than an hour of sleep. I fell asleep at 4 am and woke at 5. Then I just kept laying as still as a dead body to keep the pain away.

A loud groan leaves my lips as I stand off the bed and slowly open my eyes. My entire body is leaning to the right and I need to straighten to look at least a little normal outside of the house.

Fortunately I don't have a shift at the club today but I have a best friend to keep entertained and errands to run.

Today is Sunday. I always work six days a week. Monday - Saturday. Sundays are my off days.

So as slowly as possible I twist my body making my back straight. When I do that my back burns like fire and my ribs ache more.

I let out a small hiss when I touch my jaw right on the spot he hit. I'm gonna need alot of makeup.

Finally getting the courage I walk forward and stand in front of my full body mirror.

And what I see is nothing less than a small broken girl. She has a big blue and purple bruise on her jaw. There are dark, deep bags under her foggy blue eyes. He blonde hair is barley still in a bun and her lips are dry. She needs serious skin care.

And I shall do just that because if June sees me like this she will ask questions.

Sighing I step to my closet and get an outfit out. Then I get all the skincare products I have and walk to my bathroom.

Thankfully the attic has a bathroom. So I took advantage and made it my own. Papa will hopefully never know.

After turning the shower on I get out of my pajamas and slowly remove the bandage on my back. When I'm completely naked I get into the steaming water and jerk when it hits my sensitive skin.

After washing and drying. I throw my long hair into a messy bun and start with my skin care. I place eye masks under my eyes and do a lip scrub. When I'm done my lips look more alive and the eyebags are less visible but still there. So I get my makeup and get to work.

And only after an entire hour the big bruise on my jaw is covered as well as the dark blue eyebags. My cheek still looks a bit swollen but not that noticeable. Thank god.

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