43. ~Truth*~

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Hi Billy's so I've been trying to write a bit more since I got so stuck on the last chapter and this one took just as long but I hope you enjoy!


Written: 6 July 2023

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Written: 6 July 2023.

I let out a loud hiss as I feel pain shoot through my left leg. Looking down towards it I see Henny completely frozen while holding my foot and looking up with big eyes. Then I look at Nick who has one of the most deadly glares I have ever seen on his face directed towards the poor guy.

Let me explain what's happening.

It's been two weeks since what Papa did. So I'm feeling better. Not entirely but enough to move around without feeling as if I'm dying. And yesterday Ifinally had enough. I demanded Nick to get me out of the hospital room and into his room. (Well our room now.) And he hesitantly agreed.

So now I'm in his arms as he carefully walks up stairs with me. And Henny is the man who's supposed to bring up my bags.

Now however he had hit my leg accidently. And Nick's not happy.

"Henny...why don't you walk on my side as we go up the stairs?" I question in a soft voice.

"I-um yes... That sounds like a better idea. Sorry about your leg Lia." He apologizes and I nod.

When Nick doesn't start walking I slowly rub his back with the palm of my hand.

He lets out a slow breath before starting to go up the stairs agian.

And after another flight of stairs and a very long hallway we finally arrive to Nick and I's room. Nick didn't even break a sweat and he's definitely not breathing heavily. My strong man.

"Wow boss, you're room is just as dark as you're soul." I look at Henny with wide eyes as he speaks to Nick.

"He's good with Knifes. He's good with Knifes. You can't kill him Nick. He's good with Knifes. He's in your gang. And he's good with knifes." I hear Nick repeat as he slowly lowers me down on the big bed.

"Hmmm. And he's too cute to be killed." I say with a cheeky smile.

Nick looks at me and narrows his eyes. "Are you trying to give me more reason to kill him?"

I giggle a bit and that seems to catch both Nick and Henny off guard. They look at me with wide eyes until Nick smiles widely. "There's the giggle I have been longing to hear."

I smile up at him.

"I feel so much better. Thank you Nick, for everything. I don't know what i would've done without you." I whisper as i bring up my hand to cup his jaw.

Nick smiles. "Never thank me, Sweet pea. Your mine, and I take care of what's mine." He leans down and presses his lips onto mine.

Just then we hear a loud crash from in the bathroom making us pull apart. Henny comes running out and when he sees us looking at him he looks at the closet door with amazement.

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