56. ~Ignoring~

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Hello Billy's. I know i haven't updated in a bit but here is the next chapter. Enjoy!

Written: 2 November 2023

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Written: 2 November 2023.

We were attacked in our home. We were attacked in the place we were supposed to be safe in.

When I woke up to the sound of gun shots, I found Nick frantically moving around the room. Delilah was lying next to me screaming her lungs out. I picked her up and tried to calm her down while watching Nick with fear running through my veins. After getting dressed in a bulletproof vest and grabbing all of his guns, Nick dragged me and Delilah to the walk in safe (that I had no idea existed) to lock us in there.

"Nick! Please stop!" I cried.

"Papa! Please stop!"

"Nick p-please don't!" I tried to plant my feet into the ground but it was no use.

"P-Please Papa! please don't!"

"Sweet pea, stop." Nick softly said and continued to drag us.

He ignored my cries and begs for him to stay with us. He closed and locked the safe. I screamed and begged but he ignored me completely.

While I held Delilah in one hand I used the other to bang on the door. He didn't come back.

When I finally gave up on banging, I looked around the big room. There was alot of cash and jewelry everywhere. As well as food and water.

I sat down and started sobbing. Delilah sat in my lap silently. Why would he do this? I asked him not to go. I begged. And all I got was a 'Sweet pea, stop.' from him.

I'm angry at him. I'm very fucking angry.

What if he got hurt? What would I do? I can't live without him. He's my life. He and Delilah means everything to me.

I only know that we were locked in there for over an hour because that's when my phone died. In that first hour I went through the jewelry. I found old and expensive necklaces and bracelets but only one ring. It was in a velvet ring box and it was obviously an engagement ring. It didn't look old but also didn't really look new. It was probably his mom's.

I put the ring box away and sighed.

Delilah had fallen back asleep on my shoulder. I sat down on the ground and held her tighter.

Even though I'm angry I hope he's okay. He better be okay. No, he has to be okay.

I don't know how long I sat agianst the wall after my phone died but it felt like hours and soon I fell asleep even when I tried hard to stay awake.

And I only woke up about ten minutes ago. When I felt myself and Delilah being picked up. I knew it was Nick because I'm already so familiar with his touch.

He walked down stairs with us while I tried desperately not to look at all of the dead bodies lying around. Trevor took Delilah from my arms and Nick placed me into the front seat of the Range Rover, still unaware that I was awake.

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