11. ~Alarm~

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This book is adorable.

Written: 22 March 2023

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Written: 22 March 2023.

"-ake up." A soft whisper reaches my ears making me groan.

"Liana...wake up." This time it's almost a whisper shout.

I turn around and sleepily mumble. "No Penny. I'm tired. Let me sleep woman."

Just as I start to fall back asleep it comes agian. "Liana! It's not Penny. Wake up their staring at us."

That makes my eyebrows scrunch up. I slowly lift my head and open my eyes then look around. Before jumping up and gasping.

Nick and Dean stands at the end of the bed... that I can't remember getting into. They both have their arms crossed and their heads tilted.

I look to my left to see June sitting on her knees with a smirk on her lips. "Good morning sunshine! Apparently we fell asleep on their couch with little Delilah with us... They carried us to this bed and let us sleep... Their also mad because we turned off their alarms." She whispers the last part making my mouth fall open.

Uh oh.

Slowly I look over at Nick with an extra sweet smile. "Someone turned off your alarm? Who would do such a thing?" I fake gasp.

Just as he opens his mouth to speak my phone starts ringing playing 'Be faithful' by fatman scoop.

Lifting one finger up I grab it and answer without looking at the caller ID.

"Yellow black and blueeeee." I say still smiling sweetly at an almost glaring Nick.

"Lia do you know where June is? She didn't come home last night and I'm worried sick!" Comes Jason's panicked voice through the line.

"Oh Jason! Don't worry we slept at a... Friends house. We're safe." I see Nick's face harden but what am I supposed to do? Tell him his sister slept in an apartment with three random men.

"Oh ok goo- Wait! Who?"

"A friend. But we're safe... I'm not sure when we'll come over there."

"What frien-" I cut him off quickly.

"Okay bye bye Jason... See you soon!" I hang up.

Looking up I see Nick glaring at the floor while Dean awes over June...whom just sits while blushing.

"My brother is very protective." She shrugs and Nick's head whips up.

"He called for June?" He asks almost... Hopeful?

I nod. "Yea Jason is pretty bad when it comes to us."

I quickly get off the bed and let out a hiss. Ow my back.

"Are you okay girly... You look like you're in pain." June stands up too before walking up to the guys.

I nod quickly. "Yup just forgot about my back."

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