31. ~Rocking*~

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I wrote smut! Ahhhhhh I wrote smutt and I don't think it's good. But I hope it's atleast okay.

Enjoy Billy's.

Written:9 May 2023

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Written:9 May 2023.

The next five days are amazing. Nick called Papa to inform him we'll be staying a little longer and to my surprise Papa was perfectly fine with it. And for the last several days we hang out and did alot of fun activities.

It's now our last day in Evergreen beach. Nick informed me that we'll be leaving tonight and we will have lunch at the beach.

I wasn't surprised that we'd be spending the day at the beach it's a really hot day especially since it's in the middle of winter.

Stepping out of the bathroom in only a towel I dance around happily. We watched The lorax last night after returning from the movie theatre and let's just say I'm obsessed.

"I say let it die! Let it die! Let it die!" I open a drawer to get out my clothes. "Let it shrivel up and-Oh my Lord!" As I take out my dress I pull out an unexpected item. I throw the silver object straight onto the bed and shriek.

Holding on to my towel for dear life I glare at the silver gun laying on our bed.

He has a gun!

Of course he has a gun Liana he's the leader of a gang *eye roll*

Raising my eyebrows I shurg and continue to get my clothes. That's when the room door burst open and three men come rushing in. Nick, Dean and Trevor are all breathing heavily and looking around frantically.

When they don't see any danger they lower their guns (yup more guns) and Nick looks at me. "What happened Sweet pea?"

I point at the bed. "It caught me a bit of guard." He looks to the bed and his eyes widen.

"Shit sorry. I meant to put that in my drawer." He grins at me.

Suddenly he looks at the towel around my body. Then he looks at Dean (who's finding the door very interesting) and Trevor (who's looking with no shame) "Both of you get the fuck out."

They both immediately exit the room and Nick walks over to me. He goes to stand behind me but I quickly turn to face his chest. He looks at me with confusion. I shurg and kiss his cheek before grabbing my clothes and dashing into the bathroom. I slam the door and hear Nick chuckle.

Sighing I thank the good Lord he didn't see my back.

I quickly get dressed in my flower dress and some sandals. Arg I hate sandals but I guess it'll have to do.

 Arg I hate sandals but I guess it'll have to do

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