25. ~Cynophobia~

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Oooooo yea another one.

Btw this one's short it's kinda just an extra.

Btw this one's short it's kinda just an extra

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Written: 23 April 2023

Groaning softly I try to turn around but I can't because I'm being held to a chest. I quickly untangle Nick's arms from around me and turn to the side of my body that's begging to be laid on.

That's when a pee hits my bladder full force. I sigh.

So I open my eyes slowly. Turning confused I sit up straight to see that it's pitch black in the room. It's still night? How long did I sleep for?

Looking at the time on my phone I see it's only three am.

Sighing I stand and walk into the bathroom. I do my business then wash my hands and when I get back in bed I'm basically yanked back into Nick's arms.

Just as my eyes close agian I feel something light fall on my legs. Groaning I look up over Nick's arm to see a barley visible black cat sitting peacefully on my legs. I smile at it. But I yelp when another jumps on next to it.

Oh there's two.

Both sit and watch me and Nick as if they're suspicious of us. Slowly I bring out my hand and pat the small spot left between my body and Nick's legs. After a while both the cats slowly and hesitantly lay down between us. When both of them are peacefully asleep I lay my head back on Nick's chest and close my eyes agian.

Not even fifteen minutes later something much heavier jumps onto the bed. I lift my head agian and gasp a little. It's a goddamn
Bull Terrier. The big dog sits happily by Nick's feet with drool leaking from its mouth.

Slowly taking my hand out once more I tap the bed right next to Nick's side. The dog slowly lays down as if knowing he mustn't wake Nick up.

Lifting my gaze I see Nick sleeping peacefully. He has a little pout on his full lips and his long black eyelashes are laying on his sharp cheekbones. His body is so warm. Yet he's shirtless. He's like my personal heater.

Looking back to where the animals are laying my eyes widen at the sight of yet another Bull Terrier.

Okay, they come in pairs.

Quickly I tap the bed next to the cats and it lays down as well. I let out a quiet but evil giggle.

Making sure there's no more animals I lay down and cuddle into Nick's arms. My eyes close and I fall into a comfortable sleep alongside two cats, two dogs and one Nick.

Hopefully they'll be gone before Nick wakes up tomorrow morning.


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