~37. 39. 40.~

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Conjoined chapters!!! Hope you Billy's enjoy!


Ps: Big drama in chapter 40!!

Ps: Big drama in chapter 40!!

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37. Shopping.

Written: 26 June 2023.

Apparently when she said 'lets get ice cream' she also meant let's go to the supermarket.

I'm not complaining though. I like walking behind her with a trolley filled with random shit while watching her ass as she walks.

Even though the eight months old baby infront of me is starting to catch on to my staring.

Delilah is happily chewing my car keys (that has been wipped with a baby wipe) while Lia does her shopping.

To be honest I'm actually proud of her starting to get more comfortable around me. It might not seem like a big deal (since we did what we did in Asher's guest bedroom) but, two weeks ago I would have had to drag her out of the car to go inside of the store with me.

When Liana turns to get something from the shelf I quickly look down at the items in the trolley. It's a bunch of body washes, skincare products and woman's perfume.

I double check all of the names of the products. Making a mental note what she uses and likes.

What? She will be visiting my house quite often.

Looking back up I see Lia looking at the pads and tampons. She shakes her head before making a move past it. I stop infront of the shelf and grab the ones I saw in her suitcase when we went to Evergreen.

Once it's in the trolley I continue behind her.

We stop infront of the flour and baking products. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you want from here, Sweet Pea?"

She looks at me with a smile. "Wanna bake some cookies with me?"

A small smile makes it way onto my lips. I nod happily.

"Ok what are we baking? Chocolate chip, suger cookies or oatmeal?" She asks as she walks down the aisle.

I don't even think. "Chocolate chip." Lia nods and Delilah giggles.

After getting every ingredient we need we walk to the checkout lines.

Once it's our turn I gently pull Lia back to stand behind the trolley to watch Delilah and then I start to unpack all the items onto the counter.

The blonde cashier smiles a flirtatious smile at me before starting to ring it all up. I roll my eyes at her.

Did she not see my 5'5, blonde girlfriend? Or the eight month old sitting in my trolley?

When it came to the pads Lia's eyes widen and her face flashes red. I smile.

"Hmm don't think I didn't see it, baby." I say before kissing her cheek.

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