Bonus chapter 2

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Billy's take deep breaths. Deep breaths. It's the last chapter so take deep breaths.


Written: 9 November 2023

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Written: 9 November 2023.

1 year later.

"Mama!" The screams get louder and louder but I pay no mind to it. "Mama!"

"Liana, I can't take it to hear her cry like that. You know this." Nick grits from next to me.

"I know, but she needs to understand." Turning in my seat I point a finger at our 10 months old. "No sweets Zenobia. I'm not telling you agian."

The baby starts to cry harder making me huff. I turn back to see that we have arrived at the super marker. I turn to Nick and point at him. "No. Sweets."

Nick sighs and gets out of the Range Rover. He opens the back door and gets our crying baby out of her car seat. I grab Nick's wallet and my purse.

When Zenobia is in the cart she already starts giving Nick baby eyes. "Dada." Nick avoids eye contact with the baby because he knows the moment he looks into those pleading eyes he'll crumble.

We walk into the super market and I start placing everything we need for dinner into the cart. But as we make our way to the cashier I realize I forgot cheese. "I'm going to get cheese okay, just stay right here. And avoid eye contact." I say to Nick as I walk to the dairy aisle.

I get the cheese and when I get back to where I left my husband and baby I see them gone.

Oh no.

Walking straight to the candy aisle I'm not surprised to see Nick walking down it. Zenobia sits in the cart while pointing at almost every candy she sees, Nick doesn't hesitate to place each one she points at into the cart.

Huffing I walk over and stand infront of the cart. Nick stops with a packet of gummy bears mid air. "Put it back Nick."

Nick shakes his head and drops the gummies into the cart. "Not happening."

So yea. Parenting isn't going as good as can be. Zenobia is a daddy's girl and Nick is an over protective Dad. Everything his girls wants they get. Just the other day Delilah (who is now almost 5) wanted to go to Disney and I said no since we were planning on going over two months. Nick ignored what I said and took the girls to Disney for three days straight.

Sighing I walk past Nick and go to the cashier. Nick follows along and starts packing our groseries onto the counter.

When everything is paid for and in bags we walk out towards the car and I completely ignore my husband up until we get home.

"Come on, Sweet pea. You know I can't say no to her. She was giving me those eyes agian. You know the ones you give me when you want something. The ones I can't say no to." I know exactly what eyes he's talking about because I gave them to him last night...

"Yea well, sometimes you just have to say no. You're always making me look like the bad guy. That's why she likes you better. Because you always gives her what she wants and I always say no. I'm only good enough for my boobs!" I yell frustrated.

"No you're not. She loves you. And I love you... And you're boobs. But that's beside the point. The point is that I shouldn't go shopping with you anymore." Nick says as he packs all the candy and groseries away. When he's done he takes Zenobia from my arms and walks into the kitchen. When she's in her high chair he walks back over to me and pulls me into his chest.

"Yea that's probably for the best." I mumble out.

Nick smirks and kisses me on the lips. "I love you, Sweet pea."

"I love you too, Nick."

Word count: 713

And it's done. It's completed. I know I could've done better with the Bonus chapters and maybe someday I will... but not today. Now I'm going to edit Racing for love and continue the rest of my books. Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it. Love you Billy's.

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