18. ~Kiss~

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Whoop whoop.

Written: 9 April 2023____________

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Written: 9 April 2023

Interviews. Oh do I despise them. Not that I really went to many but those I went to sucked ass.

Which is why I'm not happy right now. Her father is interviewing me. He's asking about everything. Every single detail. And Liana has been sitting quietly not even touching her food.

We are all around a long dining table. Mr Perez sits on the head of the table and me and Liana are on either sides of him. The other end of the table is completely empty. The chair that sits there has a green cushion on it. It definitely belonged to her mother.

"Where do you live Nick?" Her father asks as he continues to eat his steak not even acknowledging the fact that his daughter isn't eating one bite.

"I live with two of my friends. We have a penthouse in Manhattan. And one of my friends Trevor has a baby girl named Delilah. We all take care of her though." I say also not eating.

I look at Liana and she tilts her head towards my food and I follow her actions showing her that if she doesn't touch her food neither will I.

She sighs.

"Don't you have a house of your own?" He asks now drinking some of his wine.

I nod surprising Liana.

"I do. It's just busy with renovations. I had it built. They started a little over a year ago before I moved here. Its almost finished." I say as I start eating since Liana started too.

He nods. "So it's not your child then?" He asks and I look at him with confusion.


"A few days ago a picture was released of you and my daughter. You held the girl in your arms." He explains. He places down his fork when he's done with his food.

Oh Delilah.

"No she's Trevor's. As I said me and Dean only help look after her." I say getting a bit irritated from all his questions.

He seems to relize this because he chuckles before standing. "Well then, I'll leave you two be. I'm done investigating. Remember Liana not after midnight." He warns and she nods before pushing away her food.

He walks out without saying anything else or atleast saying goodnight to his daughter.


I look at Lia and smile.

"You shouldn't have come Nick. I would've texted you back tomorrow the moment I woke up. I just wanted to get better first." She says as she stands too.

I follow behind. "Did you go to a doctor?" I ask while we walk up two flights of stairs.

She hesitates but nods after a few seconds.

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