9. ~Baby fever~

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Heheh I'm on a roll.

Written:21 March 2023

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Written:21 March 2023.

You'll find out soon enough?

What does he mean by that?

We've been driving for about half an hour now. And we are now in Manhattan. When I looked up all I could see was tall buildings that looked really expensive.

As Nick's concentration is on the busy street I get the chance to take a better look at him... more like check him out.

It's safe to say that this man is next level with looks. And I can not think of any better word to describe him other than pretty. His jaw is sharp and I think if i run my finger over it I might get a paper cut... A bad one. His eyes are a deep green. It reminds me off the woods from the movie Twilight. His hair is so black you can almost not see the beautiful strands that are a tat bit curly. And his body. Oh my gosh his body. I hadn't gotten the pleasure to see him without a shirt... Yet. But I know there's art there. His arms are as big as my tighs. And tattoos are littered everywhere. The t-shirts he wears are tight and I swear I almost saw a eight pack through the one he wore last night.

He must've landed in the ocean when God finished creating him... Most of us got solid ground.

Finally realising I have been staring for a little too long I avert my eyes and bite my bottom lip.

Is it a sin to check someone out without them knowing? I'll pray extra long tonight. God... Prepare yourself.

The city has been extra busy today since most people are getting back to work after Christmas break. I love living in the city. I like the feeling of not being alone. The feeling of knowing there's someone not that far away. Of course the city has it's dangers but I still love it.

And unfortunately my father had bought a house slightly away from the busy streets and large buildings. So I make sure to enjoy every moment that I am in the city.

Nick suddenly throws his arm infront of my body and slams down on the breaks. I jerk a bit forward and then fall back against the seat.

Looking up I see a black Mercedes speeding past us almost scratching Nick's car.

"You mother fucker watch where you're going!" I jump slightly at Nick's yell.

Then he turns to me and his eyes soften slightly. "You okay?" I nod. My heart is beating very fast and my mouth is slightly dry but I'm fine.

Slowly he removes his arm and starts driving agian.

And when his focus is back on the road I slightly hiss at the burning on my back. Trying to make it less, I lean forward and start to skip through the songs. I land on 'Jump around' by house of pain.

Does this dude have all of my music?

As the song starts I bob my head and carefully move my body to make sure it doesn't hurt agian. But as the song goes on I get too excited and go all out. Earning me a chuckle from Nick. And a burning back.

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