Bonus chapter 1

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Hello Billy's, I can't believe I'm so close to ending this book completely *sobs* seriously guys I'm so emotional.

Anyways enjoy.

Written: 9 November 2023

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Written: 9 November 2023.

Three years later.

I can feel my heartbeat in my ears. My hands are sweating and my feet are sore, but still I continue to climb the stairs until I reach the big, heavy front door. Once agian I try to pull air to my lungs but it stops halfway down my throat. Deciding to just get it over with I shake my head and smooth my hands over my sundress. My hand wraps around the door handle and just as always it's unlocked.

When I push it open I'm hit with so many emotions it's almost overwhelming. But I don't let it get to me. I've been working on my confidence and I'm doing this.

I slowly walk through the house straight towards the room and i know he's in. It's 6pm. It's dinner time.

Three years since moving in with Nick. Three years since my life changed for the better. Three years since Papa's stroke.

Three years later and here I stand, looking at the man that abused me. He's sitting alone at the dining table, infront of him sits a plate of pasta.
But he's not eating, he's just staring at that chair. The chair Mama used to sit in.

It was never my fault she died, I know that now. But still I blamed myself for the hatred he held towards me. There's no excuse for the way he treated me, for hurting me the way he did. But still, I knew if I ever saw my Papa eating alone, I would join him. Because, as a person I hate him but as his daughter... I can't.

So I step into the room and walk towards the dining room table where he's sitting. I grab a plate and serve myself a plate of pasta. I pull out the chair next to him and sit down.

Papa doesn't look startled to see me, instead he looks at me with sadness and hurt written all over his face.

leaning forward I grab a fork and start to eat the meal infront of me. After a few bites I open my mouth to speak, but Papa beats me to it.

"It took me 22 years. 22 years to finally except that she's gone. 22 years too many to realize that you weren't the reason she died. That you didn't ask to be here or to be born. 22 years to see that I'm a horrible monster that hit his daughter to try and get revenge for his wife's death. She probably hates me now. I know she does. If she could see us all this time I'm sure she would hate me with everything in her. And she has the right too. I know she would've loved you. I know I love you. I have always loved you. But, no matter how much I love you, you can and must never forgive me. Not for what I have done to you. You should stay away from me and let me suffer for the rest of my life. I've caused you too much hurt. And I don't deserve you're forgiveness." By the time Papa is finished I'm a sobbing mess.

Looking up from my plate I smile sadly at him. "I know how much you loved her, Papa. And all these years all I wanted to do is hug you. Even after you hit me with a belt until the blood leaked, I just wanted to hug you, because I knew how much you were hurting. I have loved you since I was born and I will never stop loving you." I take his hand in mine and smile. "I forgive you Papa, not for how much you hurt me but for all the times I couldn't hug you."

I stand up and make my way towards the door once more. I turn to look at him. He's hair is now fully grey and his brown eyes are dull.

Papa's eyes travel down until his gaze lands on my stomach. "I'm happy you found better, Lia."

Looking down at my 7 months bump I smile. "It's a girl." I look back at him. "And we're naming her Zenobia."

Papa's eyes start to water and my heart clenches. "After you're Mama."

Without saying anything else I walk out of the room and then the house.

And still, I didn't hug him.

Word count: 787

I'm crying like a baby right now. One more bonus chapter and then we're done yall.

When you realize there's only one more chapter left of the book:

When you realize there's only one more chapter left of the book:

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