52. ~Out~

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Hello Billy's! Get ready it's a long one. And when I say long, I mean as long as Nick's di- anyways enjoyyy!

Ps: I luv yall.

Written: 11 October 2023

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Written: 11 October 2023.

18 my ass. These men look like they are more mature than my great, great, great grandfather...Who is dead. Obviously.

Not that they look old or anything, it's just...They definitely don't look 18.

After waking up at 5 am from Delilah's screaming, both me and Nick decided to get ready for the long day ahead of us. We showered (Nick couldn't keep his hands to himself so it escalated into something much more than just showering) and then got dressed. At 6 am Nick got a call to say that the guys are almost here. So we came outside and each got a cigarette out.

My cigarette was halfway when the shiny black car came into view. It stopped infront of us and two very, very scary men climbed out.

Now my cigarette is still in my hand and it's burnt out because I'm too busy gawking at the men to focus on smoking.

They are so... Mean looking. But also very good looking at the same time.

Does that make sense?

Nick is talking to the guys with a small smile on his face. I have no idea how he got the courage to even look at them without flinching let alone smile. But then again, this is Nick we're talking about.

After a few minutes of talking Nick turned and walked towards me, the two men following behind him.

As they get closer I have the urge to step back. They are so intimidating.

Nick smiles at me before pulling me into his side and giving my cheek a kiss. The fear immediately leaves my body the moment his arm goes around my waist.

"Liana, this is Lip and Ryan. Lip and Ryan this is Lia my girlfriend." Nick introduces us and I gulp.

"It's very nice meeting you Miss." Lip grins a toothy grin making the wheels in my head turn. How can he grin such a boyish grin when he looks like...That?

Lip is tall. Just a little bit under Nick's height. He has light brown hair and dark black eyes that seem to look into one's soul. He has tattoos everywhere visible except his face. But I do see some more on the sides of his head. He has muscles everywhere and his jaw is very sharp. He has two earrings in each ear with little diamond studs.

 He has two earrings in each ear with little diamond studs

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