Birthday (part 1)

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It's been just over a year since the accident and it just so happens to be dereks birthday. He never liked doing things for his birthday but i insisted to do things.
I walked down stairs to the kitchen to start making breakfast I put on the music so it was really loud so he couldn't hear what I was doing. Derek could sleep through anything it seems he had a lot of training during the snoring incident so nothing could wake him up.
I woke up hearing loud music so I turned over to see that Meredith was gone and she stuck a large pillow where she sleeps to make it feel like she was still there. I decided to jump out of bed and throw on a pair of shorts then head down stairs. I walked towards the kitchen and hid behind the wall trying to hide from Mer and the kids but Zola sees me so I put my finger to my lips and she nods. Just as I was about to surprise her our song came on "cough syrup" by Young the giant it played the first time we went out so we classed it as our song and also we both loved it.
I decided to start walking slowly behind her she was putting fruit into a plate for Bailey when I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist
"Good morning beautiful" I said whispering into her ear turning down the music a bit
"Well it is a good morning now and happy birthday honey" she said cuddling into the gap between my neck and shoulder
"What time do you have to be at work" I asked her
"I got the day off we're all going to the beach"
"Awesome so I get to spend time with my family on my birthday?"
"Yes your 'family'" she said using air quotes
"Oh really" I said leaning in and kissing her cheek then hugging her but Mark started to cry Meredith started walking over there but I stopped her
"Nope I'll get him you finish up breakfast" I said swooping in
"Well thank you honey" she said pecking my lips
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY" she said handing me a homemade card she was turning into quite the artist on the card it ready happy birthday daddy then it had me, Mer, Bailey, Mark and her on it but the 3 stars at the top
"Hey Zo what are the 3 stars?" I asked pointing
"That one is Uncle Mark, that one is Auntie Lexie and that one is Uncle George the man in the pictures we were looking at the other day. After she said that I started to choke up so I put Mark back into his high care and went to walk out the door
"I'll uh be back in a minute" I said holding back my tears but Meredith knew what was up
"What's wrong with daddy mommy"
"He just needs some fresh air" Meredith couldn't leave the kids alone so she waited then she heard Amelia pull up and realised she would talk to him. Amelia walked through the door
"What's up with Derek?"
"Could you watch the kids for a sec and Zola can you show your auntie the card you made daddy" as I walked past her I whispered "it will all make sense when she shows you the card
When I got out there Derek was sitting on the bench we had placed so it looks out on the city
"Oh Derek"

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