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"What's going on" the nurse said
"DEREKS crashing help him" Kathleen shouted
they took one shock and he came back and I ran over hugging him it's going to be a long stressful month
I felt like I had been hit by a car (oh wait I was) but it wasn't about the accident it was because the only person that supported me after my dad died is lying in a bed in intensive care and might not wake up. I woke up from my nap and looked up Meredith was sleeping on a chair with her head on my arm and was tugging at my IV.
"Mer my IV your on it" I said stroking her head
"Oh sorry how you feeling" she said lifting her head
"My injuries are ok but my mind is somewhere else"
"Derek it'll be ok we'll all be fine if she goes she'll be back with the love of her life she'll be happy"
"Yea I know that it's just all the people we care about have either been hurt or dead like Addison, Sam, George, Lexie, Mark, baby Mark, Amy and my mom and dad too many people Mer or is it just us I think that the people who come close to us die it's the black mark that's by our name"
"Derek don't worry but if your bad luck I'm leaving you" She said making me smile
"I love you Meredith"
"There's that Mcdreamy smile I've missed" she said cheering me up even more
"How's Amy"
"She's good i went round earlier spread some of the sister in law love try and cheer everyone up" she said yawning
"Want to go a walk? Well you walk and I wheel around in my chair"
"Sounds like a plan and Derek"
"I love you too" she said kissing my cheek and walking off to get a wheel chair

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