Christmas (part 2)

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Later that night
I was sitting on the floor facing the fire with a blanket wrapped around me.
"Hey sweetie what you doing" Meredith asked walking through to the living room and hugging me from behind.
"I'm just you want to join me?" I asked opening my arms to let her in and she came round and sat on my lap while I wrapped my arms along with the blanket around her.
"Are the kids ok" I asked
"Yea there fast asleep so what were you thinking about"
"My mom" I said as she turned around and made a worried look on her face
"I was just thinking about all the Christmases in my past with her and my dad but when my dad died the Christmas after was horrible it was just weird to think that the past Christmas would be the last with my dad but this Christmas is different because I have you. Your the one that keeps me sane Meredith if it wasn't for you I'd be in a much more depressing place but with you and the kids it's different it's like I have a place to land..........thank you Meredith I love you" I said pulling her in for a kiss then she placed her head on my shoulder.
"I love you too and I feel the same place because if it wasn't for you I would still be the dark and twisty person i was before even though I still am." She said making me smile.
I love this woman she really is spectacular.
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while it's just I wanted to take a break from writing this to write my other ones.
If you haven't checked out my new story it's called Seattle prep college and it's about if the doctors were all at the same college.
Stay classy

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